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Don't bother getting offended by the title, you should have guessed by now I'm not a very, eh, decent person.

Alright, down to the meat of it, the main thing I wanted to discuss was the COVER.

Should I change it to something actually, y'know, worthy of being called a cover or would changing it just piss you guys off?

I know, personally, when someone changes the cover of their book when I'm invested in the story it sends a sense of discomfort through me.

But that's just me.

Now, prey tell, would you guys be okay with it or not? I would provide the artwork, and I trust myself enough to make it decent (unlike my shitty personality ayyyy)

Just leave it in the comments, potassium? (Ten flesh points for you if you understood)

ANOTHER FUCKING THING, I am so very delighted with the number of reads this has scored. I honestly did not expect this, and am somewhat dissapointed my other story didn't get as much, but looking back on it, my other story is shit. I don't think I'll delete it out of lazyness though. *shrugs* But seriously, the reads are fucking amazing and I love the fact you guys are reading and enjoying this and asdfghjklq I'm so proud of me and thankful for the people who comment and the ones I don't and just YES.

If you were expecting a true update, fret not, it shall be up soon. Sorry for bothering you bitches.


[The Blood Queen, Nova Starling]

(you people have no fucking clue how long it took to align that propperly and type it out jfc)

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