Sophie Walker couldn’t believe she was already packing to go back to Hogwarts. The summer seemed too short. She was eager to be with her friends where she was able to be herself. Pretending to be a muggle was getting too irritating for words. As much as she wanted to be back at the castle, she knew her grandmother would miss having her around.
“G, you need to write me every week so I know you are doing ok, and so that I know how much you miss me!” She had called her grandmother “G” since she could remember, since before all the bad things. It was probably the only thing that had stayed the same since her parents had disappeared from her life. Since that time she had come to live in America with her father’s mother. G said the Ministry wouldn’t tell her why they had to move, only that it was for their protection.
Her dad was the first magical person in her family and G had loved her son’s special gift. Sophie’s parents met at Hogwarts and made their home in London. They disappeared when she was 5 years old and since that time Sophie had been raised by her G. Their relationship wasn’t always smooth sailing, but they loved and respected each other, and cherished their time together as Sophie had been halfway around the world for much of the past 6 years.
They lived in a small home in a very nice neighborhood on the outskirts of Atlanta. The letter from Hogwarts had shocked her since she had no idea her parents were wizard and witch. G had kept it a secret per ministry request.
Sophie was the kind of girl who put everything she had into what she was passionate about, these days that was Quidditch and studying for NEWTS in order to be a healer after Hogwarts. She was already mentally exhausted just THINKING about her studies this year.
They were sitting in the middle of chaos in Sophie’s room tying to get her trunk packed so they could make it to the airport in the morning. The flight from Atlanta to London had become routine as magic itself to Sophie over her time at Hogwarts. Her 7th year was going to be amazing! Catching a glance in the mirror she was surprised at how different she looked. G had convinced her to give up trying to be something she wasn’t: Blonde. She’d ditched the highlights with a visit to a muggle salon at the beginning of the summer and was back to her own chocolate brown.
She’d also been able to get some quality time tanning at her job as a lifeguard and swim lesson teacher at the community pool outside Atlanta. The head lifeguard, Christopher had been fanatical that they would all be in the best shape possible for the lifeguard only swim meet that all the pools competed in for charity at the end of the summer, and as such Sophie had spent too many early mornings running and swimming with her coworkers. She had lost 15 pounds since the beginning of the summer, due to the extreme exercise and she suspected the lack of Hogwart’s rich food had something to do with it as well. Sophie knew her new shape would benefit her on the Quidditch pitch, her position as chaser was always one her favorite things about Hogwarts. She was never big, but the little fat left on her body was “in all the right places” according to her G. Sophie had to go down 2 whole sizes and needed all new clothes.
All of the kids in her town seemed to think she was somewhat a snob, as they thought she went to boarding school in England. She didn’t let it bother her, she had a small circle of friends that she’d known from before Hogwarts that she always fell back into an easy friendship with on school breaks. It was one of these girls, Lila who had gotten them jobs at the pool this summer. Sophie smiled as she remembered the end of the summer party last night, and all of the craziness that had gone down. Lila had been telling her all summer that Christopher liked her, but she didn’t believe it.
“He gave you the best schedule, you have the most advanced swimmers in all the lessons, he can’t keep his eyes off of you, and you have not even once had to hose down the big pool for evening chores!” Lila shrieked at me as we got ready for the party last night.
Never one to back down Sophie retorted, “Ok first of all… we pick chores fairly from the cup each night so don’t even go there.” So maybe I had evened the odds in my favor on my first day there, a simple charm with wandless magic never hurt anybody right? Its basically just productive wishing. Being 17 Raaaawks!
“Second, I am the best swimmer, so it makes sense I would be the one with the best kids, right? And as far as my schedule goes we work the same days, crazy!” She had worn one of the new outfits bought that summer, a gray sparkly sweater dress that was just a LITTLE too short to wear without the purple leggings she had paired it and her new ballet flats. Another thing that changed about Sophie over the summer was her wardrobe. She spent the money she made at the pool stocking up on some key new pieces, and her style had definitely shifted from tomboy- and functional to pretty girl preppy. Ballet flats and pretty dresses were now staples in the trunk that she was desperately trying to close. Lila had cut her bangs into this cute choppy look that Sophie was really impressed with.
“Guess she was right,” she told herself, remembering the way he had nervously pressed his lips against hers as they watched everyone splashing around from the pool chair on the deck. They were all in underwear swimming around drunk…someone had to keep watch! The guys had brought a keg, and since the summer was over and he wasn’t the boss anymore, Christopher let them celebrate their win at the swim meet. She had never been much of a drinker but got thoroughly buzzed and had fun flirting with Chris. “Too bad that didn’t happen sooner.”
“Let me help you,” said G as she sat on the trunk and Sophie snapped the lock closed. “ALL DONE!” They snuggled and G and Sophie spent her last night drinking cafés and listening to music on her phone. She dreaded giving it up tomorrow, since it wouldn’t work at Hogwarts anyway. Sophie sent Christopher a text saying thanks and goodbye, and called Lila and the other girls making plans for Christmas already.
Boarding the plane Sophie knew her assortment of luggage was causing looks, and as always she had to endure several more screening measures than most other passengers but was finally allowed to board.
“Imagine if I’d had Jelly!” she said to herself, smirking at the mental image of the midnight black owl pecking the security guards. As always, Sophie had sent her ahead .
“But its better than the Knight Bus,” she always said as a sort of mantra whenever faced with long lines and weird looks. Portkeys weren’t an option either, it was too nauseating.
“Hogwarts here I come!” She thought as the plane took off.
Sophie couldn’t wait to get back to her friends at Hogwarts. Her dorm mates Lily Evans and Karlee Shaw were the other two girls of their “Three Amigas”. Not quite as infamous as the Marauders, their close knit group was known for fierce loyalty, and attitude toward those that were rude to them.
Sophie was 5’3 with waist length brown hair, brown eyes, and after this summer, tan brown skin. She had a pink heart shaped mouth that was always laughing, a soft spot for corny jokes and was the most outgoing of the three, and friendliest.
Lily was the total opposite, lustrous shoulder length red hair that shined gold in the sun, pale skin with a smattering of freckles and a lithe body that was more petite than athletic. Her green eyes were large and framed by thick brown eyelashes, and she was so shy it was almost painful. She seemed to have found more confidence in her duties as a perfect, but she really enjoyed studying and making good grades. She wanted to be an Auror when she graduated. Like Sophie, Lily had come from a muggle home and the two girls had instantly bonded on the train to Hogwarts their first year. Sophie to this day sent up thanks they had been sorted into the same house.
Karlee Voss was an energetic boisterous witch, who was sarcastic and loud, the one who was known for being upfront and in your face. If you got along with her, you were the best of friends, and if she didn’t like you, you knew why. Blonde hair cut into stacked bob, with asymmetrical bangs that gave the cut an edgy look. Karlee was the one who always had a boyfriend. She was unconventionally beautiful, with large eyes and a big wide smile that was always laughing. Karlee was just FUN. She had a great sense of humor and could make even a sour-faced slytherin laugh during a lesson. She was always cutting up with the Marauders and the other two Amigas had long since suspected some sorts of feelings were harbored for the most reserved of them. She always seemed to shine brighter when Remus was around.

Frequent Flyer (A Harry Potter fanfic)
FanfictionThis is a fanfiction in the maurader era. R rating for language and possible future sensual situations lol