New Year Nightmare

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Maya's POV

I walk over to Lucas, as I do I see Charlie siting on the bench and then I see Riley all the way over at the other bench on the other side. I won't to go over to her but for once in my life I think I know what I won't, I'm going to put my feelings first for once, I have since and sensibility. "Is this spot taken?" I ask, he turns to me and smiles at me.

Lucas's POV

As I think of what to say and trying to keep in mind that Riley is right there "I was saving it" I say, then she leans her back against the brick ledge "for who" she ask and you know what for once I'm going to be completely honest with her, with both of them "I don't know anymore" I say, wow now that a say that out loud it sounds a lot worse. We both turn away kind of awkward but then she turns back and looks at me "hey Lucas" she calls my name "yeah" I say "have I ever said anything nice to you" she asks, I look at her and smile I kind of joke with her and slowly answer no even thought I think she's had said some nice stuff to me but all the nicknames adds up for that no to be said. She looks down and smiles a little from my joking-ness but just then Maya Hart shocks me with her words "well it's one minute to midnight and I'm glad you're standing here" she says, I just look at her and I can't resist not to smile at her "wow that kind of makes up for everything" I say after that we both smile and stare at each other and I see something I hadn't  noticed before hope, hope for us even though I don't know what us is or what it will be but I am curious to find out.

Maya's POV

It's seconds from midnight I don't know what's going to happen but I'm just glad Lucas is standing here "HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!" People yell, then both me and Lucas notice Riley gets up from her seat and starts to quickly walk away both concerned we watch and wonder why "RILEY STILL LOVES LUCAS" I hear from Farkle's mouth, And in an instant all hope diminishes and my heart shatters, how could Riley keep this from me, it almost feels like the words Are echoing in my head mocking me and LOVE she LOVES him and it's almost exactly the same moment me and Lucas both realize Riley Truly still loves him and that we can't go any further in this so-called relationship and we have to back off from each other for Riley sake. After a few seconds of just silence and standing there I start to walk away from Lucas and sit on the bench that Charlie sat on, we all say nothing and Riley joins me on the other side of the bench.

Lucas's POV

she LOVES me RILEY MATTHEW'S LOVES me, I just wish tombstone just killed me when he had the chance. I just had a connection with Maya that we've lost sense what happen after Texas and now I find out that Riley loves me I don't even know what love means or how it feels. As I come out of my thoughts into reality I see Maya on one side of the bench and Riley on the other, they leave me just enough room for me in the middle I slowly walk over to both of them. "it's midnight" Maya says "and here we are" says Riley both of their words felt like shots to the chest more like the heart thought. The three of us all just sit there in silence as we listen to the fireworks boom in the distance and as we Watch the fireworks go off I look at Maya and then at Riley seeing the reflection of the fireworks in their eyes, please God help me.

Maya's POV

I can't take this anymore, I stand up quickly "look I'm going to leave you two alone" I say as I walk and talk going to leave, both Lucas and Riley stand up "Maya!!" Says Lucas walking a couple of steps closer to me, my hand is on the door handle, as Lucas and Riley just stare at me I can't bare it, I tilt my head down and close my eyes in pain then I open then door and run down the stares and I don't look back.

Lucas's POV

As I start to follow Maya, Riley stops me "it's ok Lucas I think me and her have a lot to discuss" she says I just look at her sad as I've been looking at them since what happened, Riley tips her head down seeming more sad than I am "if she'll even talk to me" she lifts her head back up to look at me again "i'm sorry Lucas I never meant for any of this to come out when It did" she say then she leaves without giving me a chance to say a word. As I am finally alone to just think out my thoughts, I stay their speechless not moving at all in disbelief of what just happened but I slowly turn around and look up "God what should I do I like Riley and Maya both a lot, everything got so messed up in Texas I should've never gone if only they never both signed me up To ride tombstone" I let out a great big sigh, and look down a the ground for a second and stare at my Black boots then I look back up "I both met Maya and Riley on the subway, they were the first two people I met in New York, they were my first two new friends, they both changed me, but I don't want to hurt either of them, both of them means so much to me" I shake my head trying to wrap my brain around this "I mean technically I met Maya first, we both shared a glance on the subway she smiled at me I smiled at her I would never admit this to either of them but I found Maya very cute and attractive when I first saw her, and that cute weird conversation we had, she called me Cute and she said "we should hang out sometime, you make me happy, you don't pay enough attention to me, this isn't working out, it's you not its me, we could still be friends......not.....really" those words will never leave my head she always confused me. "and Riley sweet innocent she fell onto my lap on the subway, I wasn't expecting her at all and as hard as it is to admit I wanted that to be Maya and wasn't over what she said to me I was still smiling at her, but then I realized I had to say something to Riley and as I started to get closer to Riley I got less and less to Maya, and now that I think about it I had a realization during the election someone said I was the moral compass the good guy and maybe........ Maybe I thought if I'm the good guy I have to be with the good girl everything was falling into place and if I was the same guy back in Texas I would've never been with Riley she would've never been the girl I fell for......... At least I thought. Riley's innocent weird and sweet but Maya mysterious funny and......and...... Beautiful....... so beautiful" I take a step back look all around me.

"what should I do" I ask.

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