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Riley's POV

As I still stand there with my head against the door pressing my ear to hear what Lucas is saying, it's kind of hard to hear I can only hear bits and pieces.

"I like Riley and I....I....like Maya both a lot"

As I hear my name I start to smile but as he goes on it drops and Maya.

"I met both Maya and Riley on the subway"

"They both changed me, but I don't want to hurt either of them"

He likes us both, he's confused, but he cares.

"I met Maya first thought"

I was scared, but she wasn't, I tried to be her and I couldn't....

"I would never admit this to either of them but I found Maya very cute and attractive when I first saw her, and that cute weird conversation we had"

Like a hard smack in the face I start tear up,  he's always wanted her.

"she called me Cute, we should hang out sometime, you make me happy, you don't pay enough attention to me, this isn't working out, it's you not me, we could still be friends......not.....really"

Maya tried to get Lucas for me but Maya actually got Lucas for her self, he remembers every word.

and Riley.

And then I hear my name, I didn't think it was possible for my head to go any further before I would actually Break the door trying to hear every word.

"sweet innocent she fell onto my lap on the subway and I wasn't expecting her at all and as hard as it is to admit I wanted that to be Maya"

He wanted Maya then........now?

"I realized Maybe I thought if I'm the good guy I have to be with the good girl, everything was falling into place and if I was the same guy back in Texas I would've never been with Riley she would've never been the girl I fell for......... At least I thought"

He fell for me, I smile a little and blush wait.......At least I thought

"Riley's innocent weird and sweet but Maya is mysterious funny and......and...... Beautiful.......So beautiful"

......... So this is what it feels like.

"what should I do"

that was the last thing he said I almost was hesitant to open the door and just start screaming, not at him but at the world, after a second of just standing there starting to cry I realize he probably going to walk through the door any second so I run quickly down the stairs crying every step of the way. I finally get to my apartment and walk through the door I cover my eyes and I ran to my room "honey are you OK what happened" my mom asks me as my parents both quickly stood up from sitting on the couch but I just ignore her and ran to my room. I shut my door and I lay in my bed and start to cry again, my mom walks in "honey what happened" she asks "mom......LUCAS happened" I yell "Farkle told everyone that I'm still in love with Lucas and I heard him talk about Maya and how she's so beautiful and how he's always wanted her" I says not as loud, I start to ball my eyes out and my mom comforts me "oh honey it's going to be OK, everything's gonna work out in the end.........wait where is Maya" she ask "I don't know I went to go after her but I didn't she left me and Lucas on the roof alone" I say both me and my mother look at each other and really something "she did it again...... She put my feelings in front of hers again, I need to go talk to her" I say as I start to get up my mom stops me "honey you know it's after midnight right and I think Maya may need some time to her self to think things out, she might need some space and when she's ready she'll come to you" as my mom say that,  she puts her around me and I rest my head on her shoulders. "why does life have to be so complicated" I say

Maya's POV

I am already at my apartment, every step I take the worse I feel because my best friend didn't go after me, I thought she would, I thought somebody would. My mom is already in bed so I tiptoe passed her room up to mine I close the door and I jump into bed and I just lay there. The more I think the more I feel and the more I feel the more I hurt, tears start running down my face.

Lucas's POV

I finally left the roof after a while of just staring at the sky trying to find answers, I walk by Riley's apartment hesitant to see if Riley's in  there yet or if Maya's there too, but it's late and I wouldn't know what to say to either of them at this point. So I just walked past her door and kept on walking. I walk out of The building and  I can see her window the light is still on I stare at it for a second then I keep on walking, eventually I see Maye's apartment her light is still on to but I still keep on walking. I finally get to my apartment, I have to be quiet so I quickly get to my room and shut the door I lay on my bed and stare at the ceiling wondering where I went wrong and how do I get out of this mess.


Topanga eventually leaves Riley to go to sleep, both Riley and Maya eventually calm down and all three of them just lay there silent thinking as they do it starts to rain and all three of them walk over to their windows and stare at the outside world as if the world is crying with them.

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