Always Love Him

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Riley's POV
Farkle runs up to me and we both almost bear hug each other "oh Farkle i've missed you so much it's been so awful here without you too" I say as we slowly start to pull away from each other's embrace, I awkwardly stare at Lucas for a second and we both give each other a fake weird smile and I quickly hug him, he awkwardly hugs me back. We Stand there in silence smiling for a second "we're both glad you're back" says Maya implying myself "and we're glad to be back" says Lucas but I could tell he was looking at Maya, then he noticed what he was doing he looked at all three of us.
The gang was finally back together and when the boys saw Zay they gave him a big bro hug, and both me and Maya laugh and we all took are seats. The school day went by quick there was a little bit of tension, unspoken words and some glances at each other but for the most part we are just glad we were all back together. School was over and we all went home. I'm in my bedroom, I walk up to the mirror and I noticed that I involuntarily made myself look a little better than usual like trying to impress but I'm not sure who anymore, as I'm daydreaming in Rileytown as my friends called it I hear A familiar voice "hey Ri....." As Farkle stepped in he stops talking and just stares at me like he Lost his voice, I smile and blush a little at his reaction, I guess he didn't notice what I was wearing when we greeted each other "what" I say in a shy Voice "wow Riley you look good......... Really good" he smiles I look away blushing He steps a little bit closer to me and smiles back "well your not too bad yourself" I smile and giggle a little bit and he smiles in response, then he snaps out of it and looks away looking like he's thinking "ummm I came here to tell you something but I kind of.......... Lost my train of thought" looking back at me smiling "oh ummm so spending A month and a half with Lucas I found out some stuff" he says in a more serious voice, I look away and we will sit down at the bay window "look Farkle I don't-" he cuts me off "no Riley you do need to hear this, Lucas likes you..........but he also likes Maya I just don't know how or the difference" he confessing. Farkle looks a me a little confused at my reaction because I don't look heartbroken I'm just confused I don't know how I feel anymore about Lucas, Maya the boy sitting right next me. "Farkle I honestly don't know how I feel anymore about any of this or anyone but I think I know one thing, I care about Lucas and he cares about me but not the same way as he cares about Maya and she cares about him" I say he looks at me a little sad "but do you still love him" he asks I look away for a second "I will always love him like I will always will love all of you guys but I never truly loved him and he never truly loved me" I finally say after what's been bottling up inside me for so long. Farkle has all sorts of emotions on his face but I can't pinpoint one "wow" is all he can say " things are changing Farkle and i'm OK with it I am" I say "are you sure you're OK with it, like what might happen between Maya and Lucas in the future?" He asks I never thought about that but I know "Maya is my best friend and she always will be and nothing will ever change that and Lucas will always be my friend always and I give them my blessing" I smile, he smiles back in relief he chuckled a little "well I think you're saying that to the wrong person" and we both laugh "you should talk to Lucas about this and Maya" he says in a Little bit more serious Tone in his voice. We both smile assuring  each other that everything will work out just fine.



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