Chapter 2

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A/N: I'm back! And I'm so so sorry. I'm just so stressed right now. This is a Larry centric chapter.

A week later.

21st March 2016

Harry's POV

Louis was currently out and I was dressing Brandon. Bailey was already dressed in a grey one piece outfit with blue rims and a white and blue bowtie. Brandon was dressed in the opposite colours. He has the blue one piece with grey rims, but the same colour bowtie. Louis had suggested that all of us met up at Pizza Hut as a catch-up meal. It has been a long time since I've seen the guys and I miss them a lot. I also want to ask Niall about not answering my calls and replying to my texts. Its starting to worry me.

I finish putting on Brandon's outfit on, doing up the buttons and smoothing down his soft hair. I have hats and a onesie coat to put on them a bit later, as it is still cold out. But we don't have to leave yet. We're meeting up at the restaurant at half past six and its only just gone five. Plus Louis isn't even here yet.

I was planning to get dressed while Lou watched the twins, but he isn't here yet. Mum and Robin are out, so I'll have to ask Gemma. I feel bad asking them to watch the boys, I know they won't say no but I don't want to rely on them. Louis should be back soon anyway. If he isn't back in ten minutes, I'll ask Gems.

I pick up the twins and lay them in their cot. I guess I could leave them, but I need to shower and what if something happens while I'm in there? Okay, I know I worry a lot, but they're my first children so of course I will worry. I smile down at the wiggling boys before making my way to my wardrobe.

I don't know what to wear. I'll probably change my outfit about ten times before I choose the first one, but I get self-conscious. I take out a pair of black skinny jeans that fit, my old skinny jeans don't fit due to being pregnant. I brought these a few days ago, and checked to make sure they fit without causing me any pain. They're still skinny, just not as skinny as normal and don't cause me any pain. I look through my shirts and take out one white button up with vertical black stripes and a black see-thoughish shirt. I look between the two shirts and decide on the black shirt and place the white and black striped one back.

'What if it's too dressy? We're only going to Pizza Hut.'

I change my mind once again and put the shirt back and take out a plain grey cloth shirt. I place the shirt beside my jeans on my bed before walking back to my wardrobe and pick up a pair of brown boots, ones without a heel, and place them beside my bed, near my clothes for tonight.

I walk out my room and down to Gemma's, which she stays in when she's not at university. I knock on the door and wait for her to answer.

"Come in." She calls from behind the door. I open her door, walking into her purple bedroom, a few posters of bands and artists and pictures of family and friends on the walls. "What do you need?" She asks, looking up at me from where she was working on her laptop, most likely doing her university work.

"Can you watch Brandon and Bailey for me while I shower? Louis isn't back yet." I ask her, knowing she'll say yes anyway.

"Of course I will. Louis better get here soon if he still wants that dick of his." Gemma says, shutting her laptop before getting up.

"Gemma!" I gasp as she laughs and leaves her room.


I walk into my room after my shower, towel wrapped around my waist, moving my wet hair out of my eyes.

Bad Dads (Sequel to Bad Boys) (Boyxboy)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt