Chapt. 4 He's gone

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As Kleena walked up to their apartment building, she saw a couple of cop cars. 'Must be all the stupid pot heads who live down the hall again.' She thought. As she walked down the fourth floor to her apartment, she heard screaming coming from Mr. Thompson's apartment down stairs. As she walked to the door of their apartment, someone ran down the hall towards her, he looked like he was drunk or high or something like that. She fumbled with her key chain for a second then finally got the key. She unlocked the door and quickly got inside. After setting down her backpack and keys on the couch, took off her shoes and said "So, I saw Mr. Thompson's little girls at the frozen yogurt place today." With a stunned face, she starred into the apartment at the kitchen. Her mom wasn't supposed to be home until late. And why were the police here? Had something gone wrong? Where is Merlin? Did she make it home? Is she ok?
             "Honey meet officer Clark." Her. mom said to her as she gave her a look, a look that we all knew, the 'we didn't do anything look'.

        "Hi officer Clark." She said as She walked in the living room.
           He just look at me and said "where's the other one?"
"What do you mean other one?" Their mom asked shakily.
"Mom, I think she mean Merlin." Said Kleena.
"No, I mean Thompson." He said meanly.
"What are you talking about?" Said their mother.
"YOU KNOW WHAT IM TALKING ABOUT! WHERE THE HELL IS THOMPSON!" Yelled the police officer at their mom.

    "I don't like your tone!" Yell their mom at the police officer.
"I'm sorry, I'm mistaken," said Clark looking at his phone. "He's downstairs!"

        "Kleena!" Their mom yelled, "Where's Merlin! I know you know where she is!" "Mom, is swear I thought she was with you!" Screamed Kleena. "Her teacher said she left home early, and that her dad came to pick her up." "Whatever, you know I don't believe that bullshit! Your father left me, and you and Merlin! Then he just comes and picks her up from school one day!" Said her mom as she was grabbing a metal baseball bat she used to hit the girls with if they were really bad. She was about to take a swing then the police came through the door with........Merlin! Where was she? Thought Kleena. She had a small white what looked like a pillowcase abound her. "Thompson's apartment" said officer Clark to their mom. "What is that?" asked officer Clark. "She was teaching me to swing for baseball practice on Monday." replied Kleena. "Merlin, what happened to you?!" Their mom said after smiling at Kleena then dropping the bat.  Officer Clark said that she had Ben rapped by Thompson and a neighbor reported some noises. "Bye, and thank you again." Said our mom as she was shutting the door....

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