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"OK, mom, mom, you have to let go now. The line is getting long." I say as my mom hugs me. Like she has been for the past five minutes.

"I know" she says and hugs me tighter. I look to my dad for help who is pretending he doesn't know my mother. He sighs and pulls my mother away from me. I take a deep breath, happy that I can move again.

"I will see you later. Wish me luck." I wave and walk to the line forming in front of the school doors. I hope she doesn't embarrass me today. Overprotective mothers tend to do that a lot.

"I love you sweetie!!" I hear my mom calling from behind me. Every person in the whole world probably heard that. Everyone in line turned around to look at me, and started laughing. I turn to look at my dad. He is red in the face and covering his eyes with one hand.

I sigh. I'm going to kill my mother. Even if she bought me video games, I don't care. I turn around again. He majority of the kids in front of me has turned around again but are still laughing.

I'm at the back of the line which is just fantastic. That gives my mother enough time to go buy teddy bears and lollipops while she waits for me to finish the test. Hopefully my dad will save my poor soul.

I have bad luck. Like seriously bad luck. The worst there is, and the clouds above my head just proves me right again. I guess it will start raining in about 5 minutes. And by the speed of which the line is moving, I will stand outside for roughly half an hour.

Five minutes later, I have proved to once again, be right. The rain is falling hard and within seconds I'm completely soaked. I pull my jacket tighter around me but that doesn't help with the cold.

Finally I'm in front of the school doors, though I feel like a fish that just climbed out of the ocean, when I step into the dry room. I am also standing in a big puddle. A nurse walks towards me.

"Why are you so wet?" She asks. I frown.
"It has been raining for the last half hour and I was outside in line." I answer confused. Didn't she notice it was raining. She looks past me out the doors and realize for the first time that its raining. She mutters something to herself and starts walking down the hallway. I follow her and she leads me to the library. The whole place is divided up in little cubes, each containing a desk, a chair and a person behind said desk.

I am greeted by a woman who looks like a major perfectionist. It looks like she used a ruler to do her hair, which is a ponytail. How hard can it be to make a ponytail?

"Name?" She asks in a bored tone.
"Shaun McCreary" I answer.
"Any special skills?"
"Does video games count?" I ask and raise my eyebrows questioning.
"Sure it does. Just like flying to the moon and making conversation with the monsters under you're bed does." She answers icely. I look down at table. The rest of the questions I answer in one or two words each.

After I answered (she stopped talking so I assume I'm finished) all the questions she just sat there, writing on the paper in front of her. Five to ten minutes later she stops writing, let's out a sigh and stands up.

"Come on." she tells me and I follow her out of the library. We walk through the cafeteria and through half the school before I realize where we are going. The school's back exit leads to these big storage rooms where students aren't allowed. Not until now it seems anyway.

At the back door she gets an umbrella out of a bag I hadn't noticed she had with her. She opens it and walks out the door. I follow her immediately, not wanting to get left behind. She walks into the nearest storage room and I find that it isn't a storage room at all.

Inside is a long hallway with doors on each side. She opens the first door to the right and I follow her inside.
Well this different.

"Push the big red button. Don't wake me up." She says and go sit on a chair in the corner. I can nearly see anything with the poor lighting. Must be from playing video games in the dark for to long.

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