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"What the hell?!" I say out loud. I can't see anything. Not a single thing. I try to look at my hands but once again, nothing. I walk forward for a bit and accidentally walk into a person.

"Ow!" Said person says. I just shove past him and walk a little further. The lights come on all of the sudden and an instant headache develops.

I squint and look around me. From what I could tell with my temporary blindness, we were in a large room. And that's it. It's just a square room. There is four doors at the opposite side but that's it.

Over an intercom someone says :" If you can please proceed forward in groups of four, we can start sooner"

Everybody just stand there, looking like fish out of water. I make the first move by walking towards one of the doors. I just look at it because it looks like it opens from the inside or something.

I turn around and see everyone still just standing there.
"Well?" I ask. The first guy to make a move is tall and has slightly curly brown hair, a scowl on his face. He comes stand behind me.

The rest of the group follows shortly after that and soon we have groups of four, just as they asked. The doors open and we walk through, into a narrow hallway. We have to walk single file.

Only when I see that the hallway leads to a dead end, I realise that there is four rectangles, roughly the size of a doorframe, in the walls next to us. Two left and two right.

The other three people people must've had the same idea as me because we each go stand in front of one. Nothing happens.

I decide to poke it. I jump back a bit as the whole rectangle goes black the instant I touched it. I stretch my hand towards it and it goes through. So its a door?

I guess we should enter. I look at the other three, one of which is that girl from my school, and see that they are also debating whether to enter or not.

Oh screw it, I already lost everything.

I walk through the door thing and find myself in yet another room. Its dark with only the lights of computers screens everywhere.

The man inside looks at me with some sort of boredom in his eyes.
"Welcome to the Chase. The four people you have entered with are going to be part of you're group. You have to work in groups of four throughout the whole game. The group consists of a leader, fighter, smartest and the ..... Fourth one." He says all this while sounding bored. I wonder if he realised that he forgot what the fourth member is for.

"The while process is a simulation, but you will feel and experience everything as though you were actually living it. The Chase will take place in different circumstances of weather and climate. As you go through for the preparation, you will be equipped for all you need to make it through. You're objective will be hand to you as soon ad you enter the simulation. Now, please stand on the circle. " he points to a circle on the ground.

I just look at him.
"We don't have all day" he says and I just go stand on the circle.

Before I can register anything, everything goes black and I fall to the ground.

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