Stay With Me

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It had been a couple of days since Kaspar, Ghost and I took a walk around the lake. We'd talked about nothing and everything, laughing and joking. It was probably the most fun I'd had since Ghost had left for the army.

Now I sat on Ghost's bed whilst Ghost himself sat on a beanbag playing GTA. I sat observing him, watching how his eyebrows furrowed when his character died or how his entire face would light up when he out ran a police chase.

Ghost turned to me, as though he felt my eyes burning into him. He offered me a half smile, getting up from the beanbag and plonking himself down on the bed in front of me. He said nothing. There was silence as we gazed at each other, analysing one another's features.

"I really missed you, Ghost," I mumbled to him, breaking the comfortable silence.

"I missed you too, Lex," Ghost replied, taking my hand in his and playing with my fingers.

"What was it like?" I asked, referring to his time in the army. Ghost looked thoughtful before replying.

"Honestly? Terrifying. The thought of waking up to an attack had everyone afraid to close their eyes. The next day could begin without one of the team. We always thought, 'nah, it won't be me who dies today,' but it was scary how easily it could become you. Every waking moment was filled with fear.

"Whilst I was overseas, I met a lad called Marc. Pleasant enough, good sense of humour, kind of like me but uglier," Ghost smirked when he said that before composing himself and looking solemn, "one day we were patrolling around base and Marc was fannying about. H-he stumbled and fell and before I knew it he blew up, right there in front of me. Killed by a landmine."

I couldn't comprehend what Ghost had just told me, or imagine seeing what he saw. Sad cobalt eyes met mine as a tear rolled down my cheek. I leant forward and wrapped my arms around Ghost, burying my face in the crook of his neck. His tattooed arms hooked around my waist as he nuzzled into my hair, sighing.

We sat there like that for minutes that felt like hours. Eventually I let him go, facing him and searching his pained face.

"Stay with me tonight," Ghost whispered, his eyes pleading. That was when I got a glimpse of the broken boy who had been through Hell and back. I swear I heard the sound of my heart breaking for him.

"Always," I smiled gently at him.

"Ugh, don't go all TFIOS on me." Ghost said, curling his lip. I laughed quietly before getting up and walking to his wardrobe and pulling out one of his shirts.

I shimmied out of my leggings, leaving on my black lace underwear before stripping out of my t-shirt. Now, now, before you all start freaking out and throwing holy water everywhere all willy nilly, this was the norm for us. We'd seem each other get changed hundreds of times, Hell, we got baths together as kids!

I left my matching bra on before shoving Ghost's tee on over it. I turned around the see Ghost's eyes travelling the length of my body, starting at my legs before raking all the way to my face. He mock wolf whistled.

"Damn, Lex." Ghost said, his eyes zoning in on my bare legs again. Such a typical male. I scoffed, clicking my fingers to catch his attention.

"My eyes are up here, babe," I mocked him, batting my eyelashes at him.

"Oh I know, baby," he replied, still checking me out. I rolled my eyes before joining him back on the bed. He watched my every movement, not noticing when his bedroom door was pushed open.

"God, I can smell the sexual tension in here," Ghost's younger brother, Roman, announced. He was fifteen years old and already a mini-Ghost. Well I say mini, the kid was taller than me and almost as tall as his giant of a brother.

Ghost groaned before throwing a pillow at Roman, "get the fuck out of my room, man."

Roman threw his head back and laughed. After calming down, he walked over to where I was sat on the bed and embraced me.

"Good to see you, Lexi," Roman said, "still hanging around with the less attractive brother, I see."

"Nice to see you too, Roman. Where've you been?! I've been missing my ickle baby Rome-y," I cooed at Roman, pinching his cheeks. He scoffed, pulling away from my grasp.

"Please, I'm not ten anymore, have you seen these abs?! Tell me, how many babies have a body like this?" Roman said cockily, stroking his abs and kissing his arms. I'll admit, the kid was developed for his age. Little heartbreaker he was.

"Whatever you say, Rome." I laughed as he strutted out of the door like a male peacock.

"Jeez, my brother's irritating!" Ghost let out, sighing through his nose.

"Hm, I wonder who he gets that from?" Was my reply.

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