I sat with Ghost's head in my lap for the entire night. The ebony carpet that was the night sky eventually faded into a rainbow of pinks and purples. Ghost slept through, his soft, steady breathing never faultering.

He woke up at around nine am, temporarily confused before he realised what happened the night before. His eyes flashed with gratitude when he looked at me, a small smile playing on his lips. I squeezed his hand in a 'you're welcome' gesture and he nodded in understanding.

"Wakey-wakey, eggs and bake-y!" Roman burst into the room, way too chirpy for nine in the morning, "c'mon lovebirds, get yo' arses in gear!" Ghost and I groaned in response.

"Rome-y," I whined, "inside voice, it's early." Roman grinned, not missing a beat before replying.

"Sorry, was I interrupting something?" A smirk, so much like his brother's, danced on his lips.

"Yes, actually you were," Ghost stated before getting up and straddling me.

"Ew, gross guys! My eyes! My eyes! It burns!" Roman squealed, mock hurt in his voice.

"It's not my fault that sweet Lexi has an itch that needs to be scratched," Ghost laughed from where he sat on top of me, winking at me. I rolled my eyes, playing along.

"Now if you'd leave, Rome," I said, peering around Ghost at Roman before attaching my lips to Ghost's neck. Needless to say Roman left as though he was on fire.

Ghost rolled off of me, both of us creased. We eventually calmed down before looking at each other and bursting out laughing again.

I got up, wiping tears from my eyes before walking to Ghost's chest of drawers and finding some of my clothes I'd left here before Ghost went overseas. After digging around in the mess, I found some old skinny jeans and a tank top. Ghost had also chucked me some of my underwear that also resided in his room and I proceeded to change, not giving a damn if I flashed him or not.

After I'd dressed, Ghost got changed and I caught a glimpse of his muscled back. Ghost also turned around mid-change and flashed me his toned abs and veiny forearms. I swear, I very almost swooned.

Get a hold of yourself, woman, you are a strong, confident woman!

"Done staring yet, princess?" Ghost smirked, seeing me blatantly checking him out.

"Not quite," I mumbled, "care to turn around?"

"Sir, yes Sir!" Ghost mock saluted before spinning around and flexing his back muscles. I laughed and watched his shoulders shake as he laughed too.

"Do I not get a show as well?" He asked innocently, batting his eyelids and pouting like a sulky child.

"Na-uh, you saw more than you bargained for earlier." I dismissed him, raising my eyebrows and sticking my tongue out at him.

"Pfft, fine." Ghost was now a sulky, over-grown, man child, "let's get some breakfast, I'm starving!"

You're always starving!" I responded, giggling at his dramaticness.

"I'm a growing boy," Ghost announced proudly, tapping his rock-hard stomach.

"Don't I know it," I mumbled, tilting my head backwards to see the top of his head.

* * *

"Bacon, by Ghost," Ghost declared, placing a couple of strips of the cooked pig on mine and Roman's plates. I immediately started stuffing myself silly, ignoring Ghost and Roman's amused looks.

"What?" I questioned, my mouth half-full, "I'm a hungry girl."

"Yeah, we can see that, Lexi." Roman said, taking a bite of his bacon. I just flicked his ear, grinning to myself as I heard his small shout of protest.

"Love you, Rome-y," I smiled sweetly at him. He narrowed his eyes before responding

"It's a bloody good job you're hot," Roman grumbled, placing another piece of bacon in his mouth. I chuckled at his sour expression.

"Ey, only I get to call her that," Ghost said, mocking an angry voice before playfully cuffing Roman over the ear.

"Really, dude? What's with people and my ears today!" Roman whined, looking like he was about to burst into tears.

"Aw, Rome. Do you want me to kiss it better for you?" I teased him, wrapping my arms around him and squeezing me against him.

"Hell no! Not after where your lips have probably been on," Roman rushed out, gesturing at Ghost who had narrowed his eyes at the pair of us.

I laughed letting Roman go before resuming eating. Ghost finally took his scrutinizing gaze off of me and he too began eating again.

* * *

It was later that afternoon and I was walking out of school after turning up late. Of course, I was alone. Having little to no friends was really shit sometimes.

As I was coming down the stairs that led down from the front entrance, two imbeciles decided it would be at that moment they would barge past me. This resulted in me being launched down half a flight of stairs, waiting for the pain of me hitting the floor to come.

Thankfully, I never actually hit the floor because I ended up falling on some poor bastard who had their back to me.

"Shit, sorry!" I exclaimed, getting off of the blonde haired person who I'd now squashed.

The stranger whipped around and I immediately recognised the face in front of me.

"Kaspar? What are you doing here?" I asked him, shocked to see him. Kaspar grinned at me, his face lighting up when he laid eyes on me.

'Wow, that wasn't harsh at all," Kaspar smirked, referring to my skeptical tone, "I am in fact here with your second favourite person in the world, after me of course."

I turned around to look where Kaspar was now pointing to see Ghost. He had the guy who pushed into me against the school wall, holding him there by his throat. He was speaking to the guy in a low voice, his deep tones making it impossible to make out what he was saying.

The guy who Ghost had pinned was speaking now, a terrified look on his disgusting face. Kaspar was now trying to get Ghost to let go but he, as usual, was being a stubborn little fucker and wasn't listening.

Cue Lexi.

By the time I'd gotten over there, Kaspar had given up trying and Ghost was most likely seeing red because his grip had gotten tighter on the guy. The school was now deserted, only the four of us around. I carefully took hold of Ghost's arm, gripping it tight. Ghost took his harsh cobalt eyes off of the guy, turning them to me. They briefly softened as the stared into mine before hardening as he looked at the guy.

"Ghost, let him go. It's fine, I'm sure he won't do it again." I said, sending a pointed look to the guy who started nodding in agreement like it was going out of fashion. Ghost grit his teeth before letting go. Kaspar on the other hand had his jaw resting comfortably on the floor as he grasped how easily I got Ghost to let go.

"But... Wh-... How?!" Kaspar spluttered, his words all merging into one sound. I laughed before replying.


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