Keep Your Head Up

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changing up the format a bit :)

Keep Your Head Up by MildlyMoonstruck (dorkamatic on tumblr)

Incomplete | 102k | Mature


It's not that he doesn't want to be at auditions, Levi acknowledges—if there's anything that's true about him, it's that he will never do something unless he really wants to, on some level. 'That's the only stupid reason I said yes to this,' he grouses, scowling. 'Never should have watched Dr. Horrible with Erwin and Hanji that one time. Note to self: don't let anyone know you like things. Liking things is stupid and gives people a way to exploit you because they know you want to do Dr. Horrible like nobody's fucking business, and they were counting on that. Ugh. I hate them. I hate people.'

Enter a certain bright-eyed freshman who can't seem to keep his mouth shut.

Notes: im such a nerd but this couldn't not be on my favorites list. basically you won't really understnd the fic if you haven't seen Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog (which i very much recommend. last time i checked it was on netflix. and it has neil patrick harris, felicia day, and nathan fillion i mean cmon)

and so this was born. i couldn't love this fic any more honestly it filled my heart with love and it keeps gr8 characterization and i just can't explain why i love it so much i just do uugh

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