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This is a real story, unfortunately I took so long to actually come to my senses. I knew I wanted to write something about him and me, our story together. I thought maybe I should make it a really good story, take all the good memories and maybe add a better ending but then I realize that either way I write this would not make me forget him or make me feel any better for what happen.

One year ago I met him, I was happy. Not because I met him but because I felt something I have never felt before. I was a 18 year old, just graduated high school and was working at my first job. I thought everything was going right and life was perfect and that the universe somehow knew that I was missing something and brought him to me. Again, Those were not the plans.

I never had a relationship and that made me a loser upon all those teens at my school that had about three relationships during all their high school year. But that was not me, I never gave the thought of a boyfriend in my life as something I wanted or needed. I was happy like that even though I really wanted someone to love me, I was fine and I survived.

I had a few crushes here and there, stalked a couple of boys from school on Myspace and Facebook. Sending a 'Do you like me... yes or no' note. Now that I think about it I was such a dork. It didn't do any harm, I was young, we all are and we all end up doing this at some point.

Anyways, Everything that happen, happens for a reason and I hope that writing this can be something I can share with whom ever reads this and know that Love happens and when it happens be glad that it did because its a lesson that make you realize that life is tough but you can get through it.

Every heartbreak its a blessing because at least your learning how to love and heal when another one comes. So here it is. From me, to you. The story that made me who I am today.

Dear Lover,

I miss you!

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