Dear Lover, Thank you for fooling me.

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I guess the time that met you I was just going to the phase where I wanted to be left alone and yet I wanted someone to care of how I was feeling. I was beyond depressed and I had no fixing, I acted like I was fine.

But here's how you came and took me by surprise.

My friend and I, we played this game where when we saw any guy we would find out if he was "Boyfriend" material. A lot of them were too hot that I couldn't take their orders because I didn't feel confident enough. Ridiculous!

But not one of them where my Boyfriend material. We would also talked about what we would like our relationships to be like to how our future husband should treat us. Marriage to me is nothing but a word, I never wanted to get married. I still believe that marriage is just a word and that being with one person for the rest of your life's is a big fat lie.

Now a days guys can't be tied down because they care too much about getting attached and catch feeling for someone. They rather be playing with girls and breaking hearts.

Those guys I hate. Now some guys know how to play that game too well. You did.

You were a master at that game. At some point I even thought that you invented the meaning of what a player was or is. You knew it all to well.

When you came, all you wanted was a job and you got it. Time passed and we got along. We talked and it was great. We would even get in trouble for talking at work but I didn't care because I was happy, You made me happy.

I now laugh at those moments and then I cry because I know now that you lied to me.

Time passes by and we were now talking on snapchat. I remember when you asked me for my username and I said Dianar and you told me it sounded like a dinosaurs name and from then you gave me that nickname.

Chatting for hours and sending snaps, I wondered if this what It feels like to have someone get close to you. I wanted this to work, I wanted Us to work.

After all the snaps and the taking at work. I got the guts to ask you if you wanted to go to the mall with me and you said yes. I didn't take it as a date but more as a hanging out with a friend thing because if I thought of it as a date I would've changed my mind and wouldn't have gone.

You didn't drive and you didn't have a car so I had to drive us. It was  January 11, 2015 and I went on my first "Date" with a boy I liked.

We were supposed to go to the mall but when I got to your house you wanted me to go in. There was a moment where my head was warning me that if I went in anything can happen but then I realized that you were just my friend and we were just hanging out.

You were finishing getting ready and when I saw you. You blew my mind away and then I realized that I had a thing for you.

Now that I think about it I was such a dumb ass for thinking  like that, what was I thinking. I was just too cheesy to say anything else. But god forbid If I said that out loud.

I mean in that time you were so handsome and played the innocent guy role really well.

I was sitting on your couch and then you came and sat next to me. You said it was cold and got close to me, I wanted to move further away because I felt like this shouldn't be happening.

You hugged me, it was awkward. So awkward I say there and don't move until you let me go and I stood up. The only thing I managed to say was, Lets go.

It was too late for the mall so we went to get food. Tacos. We ate, sat there, talked and then we left. You wanted to go somewhere else but it was too late so I just drove to your house, but then I decided to just park in the parking lot where the MAX runs.

I showed you a game, Five Nights at Freddy's. The. My mom called of course and told me to get home. Then I really did drove you home.

Once getting into the parking  lot I parked and we sat there in silence. I didn't know what to say so I say nothing.

Out of nowhere you leaned your head on my shoulder. One! Why would YOU lean your head on my shoulder, that was my part to play not yours. Totally ruined the moment but then you spoke and I didn't catches what you said so I looked at your face and it made us even closer.

You faced me and stared at me.

It seemed like forever but it might have been just 5 seconds. After those seconds passed you did something I never would have thought would happen.

You kissed me! You stole my first kiss. The one thing that I was saving for someone I cared and loved and that made it okay for my head and heart to think I was in love with you.

Did you even cared if it was my first kiss? Did you even thought of what you just had done and what would it change on how I will see you from then. For me it was the beginning of something great and new. For you it was just another kiss and heart to fool.

I got home and told my mom and sister. She was happy for me but she told me to be careful because guys always want something more but love ain't one of those things.

So now what I want to say is. Thank you for being my first date. Thank you for being my first kiss and thank you for the Tacos.

But most of all thank you for entering  my heart.

How can I thank you just that easy, well because at that time I didn't know that things were going to fall apart. It was my beginning to believing that love was real and it was the beginning for your game to begin.

Dear Lover, Thank you for fooling me.

Sincerely, Diana.

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