Chapter 4; No Damsel-In-Distress, More Like A Damsel Who Causes Distress.

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Chapter 4; My Mother Didn't Raise No Damsel-In-Distress, More Like A Damsel Who Causes Distress.

Ah, the weekend...those glorious two days of the week where you do not have to set an alarm and leave the comfort of your loving bed before noon. So here I was on this glorious Saturday afternoon, in one of my (not so little) little brother's unwanted t-shirts and the comfiest pair of sweatpants I owned, having an internal debate on whether to watch an empowering girl-power movie or a movie full of completely drool worthy guys (hey don't judge, I'm still a teenage girl!). So like every indecisive teenage girl, I decided to put it to a vote via the girl's whatsapp group.

Aya: So Sisterhood or Hunger Games?

Dee: HUNGEEEEEEER GAMESSSSSS! That's a no-brainer, hotties and kick-ass fighting scenes

Mel: Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants of course, it's such a comfort movie and Blake Lively is life!

Le: Nachos ;)

Mel: excuse you?

Aya: ????

Dee: Are you high?

Mid-way through typing a witty reply, my mum popped her head through the door.

"Hun, your dad and I are leaving now, we should be back before your uncle drops Amar. We've left some money in case you want to order out..." Mum pauses, probably trying to recall whether or not so had forgotten something. I took this as an opportunity to be bold and daring.

"Mum, can I invite the girls over?" She seemed to think this over for a second.

"Sure, why not. As long as it's ONLY girls, and the ones I've met. I don't want strangers in my house!" My mum waved and had seemed to have left "Oh that's it! Call us, your gran or any of your uncles if ANYTHING happens! Love you Aya!"

"Love you too mum!" And with that she was gone.


It took half an hour for the girls to arrive; it wasn't the first time I've had them over, my mum's big on 'getting to know who my friends are' so it worked out, as both my mum getting to suss out my new friends and a bonding exercise. Diana's older brother dropped the girls off, thankfully he drove off before the girls had even rang the doorbell, allowing me to answer the door without having to drape a scarf around me.

"Hey girly!" Diana squealed.

The girls all hugged me as they'd entered. Within minutes we were all snuggled up on my sofa, draped in blankets with Mulan playing in the background.

It was at the part where Shang broke into song trying to teach Mulan and her fellow losers to Be a Man. At this point, Leah and I sprung up and sang along, throwing in our own improvised dance moves. Diana and Melody were in fits of laughter by the time we were done. We collapsed onto the sofa, joining in on our friend's laughter.

"Argh! Why can't he be real?" Leah groaned.

"Leah, please don't tell me you have a crush on a cartoon character?" Diana laughed.

"He's not a cartoon character Dee! He's one of the most manliest men in Disney!" Leah protested.

"Nah-uh it's all about Prince Eric!" Melody interjected.

"As much as I agree with Leah, you've all got it wrong. It's all about Kovu." I grinned.

"Oh my God Aya, Kovu's a frikkin Lion!" Diana exclaimed. "And Eric looks a hella lot like Jake."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2015 ⏰

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