Chapter 3; 666, guess he really is the devil.

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Chapter 3; 666, guess he really is the devil.

WARNING; The picture at the side is Dawud, please do not die from a hottie overload!

 I spent the rest of the day in a sulk. Okay it was slightly childish, but to be constantly teased about liking someone who you practically hate doesn’t put you in the best of moods. Lunch was finally over, which meant only one thing; double psychology. I loved psychology, it was so interesting. The one thing I hated about it though was that Dawud happened to be in the same class, and just to add salt to the wound; the same table.

I grabbed my belongings and made my way over to my locker to get the rest of my books. I searched through, looking for my psychology textbook.

“Damn where is it? I swore I had it this morning!” I muttered as I carried on searching.

“You lent it to Dawud, remember?”

I literally jumped as I turned to face Ash, his locker was only a few away from mine, but he was currently leaning against the one next to me.

“Did I?” I asked. I seriously can’t remember lending that demon anything.

“Yeah, after you tried beating the shit out of him with it.” He let out a hearty laugh, which sent butterflies fluttering in my stomach and, if it was humanly possible, my heart to stop.

“Ah, must have slipped my mind.” I shrugged, turning back to my locker, hoping to calm my currently racing heart.

Whilst I was lost in my thoughts on how to control my responses to this particular male, who was standing mere inches away, I felt his arm slide into my locker and pull something out of it. I was far too distracted by what had just occurred, to notice what he pulled out.

Imagine those strong arms wrapped around your waist...mmmhmmm...

I felt myself slip into a dreamy daze until I heard a familiar heart-stopping laugh.

“Seriously Aya? Pride and Prejudice? You read classic books?” He asked in astonishment, waving the novel about.

I felt my cheeks warm.

“What’s wrong with that?! At least the guys in these books court their ladies, and don’t chase after them like cattle. They’re gentlemen and it’s all sweet and innocent and-“ So there began my rant of why relationships in our generation are so messed up and why it’s so hard to find a gentleman, of course this is how I wooed all my admirers...not.

Much to my surprise, Ash stood and listened. Not just the ‘I’m being polite and trying to listen to what you’re saying but I don’t really care’, it was more the ‘you’re saying some interesting stuff’ kind of listening.

“Okay, first off I didn’t have you down for the whole soppy Jane Austin love story sort of girl, secondly did you ever stop to think that these guys may just be a figment of the authors imagination, just like contemporary fictional male characters in our generations books that clearly don’t exist. Come on, Edward Cullen is the biggest example! Lastly I totally agree that most guys can be complete animals but nowadays the girls are just as bad! There are still some good guys out there!”

I closed my locker and leaned against it as I let what he said sink in. He made some very good points, but the stubborn part of me couldn’t let him leave at that, whereas the love struck part was just completely turned on by his intellect.

“Well I guess you have a point, however you can’t compare the likes of Mr Darcy to Edward Cullen!” I exclaimed.

Ash let out a hearty laugh, which caused the butterflies in my stomach to carry out a cheerleading routine.

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