Chapter 2; Dawud is Voldermort and I'm Harry Potter, only one can survive!

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Chapter 2; Dawud is Voldermort and I'm Harry Potter, only one can survive!

I woke up for another lovely day of school, feeling amazingly refreshed and ready to break out into song and dance...not. I groaned as my mother tried to force me out of bed, you see for a moment there she had me believing my pleas had worked, and I could skip getting out of my warm comfy bed and facing another dreadful day of school and the British weather...I was wrong. My mother had performed the number offence that should really go down as child abuse; she pulled the duvet away from me, leaving me exposed and freezing cold. To add salt to the wound, she had twisted my blinds so the sunlight (if you could even call it that here in the UK) poured through my windows. As I said, my old school didn't have windows, so I was accustomed to the darkness and was practically a dark-skinned vampire, yes that is ironic seeing as Dracula killed Muslims but you catch my drift. 

So I zombie walked my morning routine; which basically consisted of using the bathroom and changing. I guess the two things that made my morning routine different from most people's was that firstly I usually only went to the toilet twice a day, the first time being in the morning (if you saw the state of my school toilets then you'd understand why, that's 12 years of bladder control right there) and the second being performing wudu (that's the wash we do so we can perform our daily prayers). I was still pretty zombified once I reached my room.

I flung open my wardrobe scanning through for something to wear. After a while the novelty of wearing your own clothes wears off, when everyday one of your top worries is what you're going to wear, especially when you wear hijab you can't roll up in just anything. I picked out a hijab and abaya (that's like the long Islamic dress, it's literally a long-sleeved dress which is usually black and is meant to be loose-fitting, although some people forget that) and flung it on. For once neither of the two items of clothing needed ironing, which was one less headache to worry about. I lay all my make-up out in front of me, applying them all in order. I guess people differ on whether Muslim girls can wear make-up, but to be honest I saw no harm, especially since not every girl can get away with not wearing it, so I'd look even more out of place without it.  Once I was satisfied with my appearance I left my room, bag in hand. I often wonder how I turned into such a somewhat vain creature, the old me never would have even gone near make-up let alone wear it but she's dead and gone now.

I walked into the kitchen to see my mum pottering around throwing around random insults in both English and Bengali & Hindi. I sighed, another one of my mum's moods meant I wouldn't be able to leave the house with some lecture or insult.

"Seriously Aya! Do you have to wear that much make-up? You're only going to school not a frikkin fashion show!" See what I mean?

Here's a little perk of being a hijaby and wearing an abaya, underneath my hijab I had my earphones in and I had wired in all underneath my abaya and secured my iPod in my jeans; the trick was to have one ear phone in and have it on at a volume that you can both hear the music and not be to detached from what's going on around, that way you wouldn't get caught, that's a little trick I picked up from some of the older girls at Sakina. I adjusted the volume and gave appropriate responses; I really am going to hell with these sly movements.

Saying bye to my mum and grabbing something to eat, and throwing some food in my bag I made a hasty exit from the house before my mum could go on full rant mode.

It literally took me 10 minutes- 8 depending on how fast I was walking- to get to school, which was pretty cool since I was used to having to take two buses everyday just to get to school, each bus taking half an hour. But as per usual I managed to be late almost every day, can't teach an old dog new tricks eh?

I slipped into my history class and took my seat, hastily getting everything out.

"Would it kill you to be on time Aya?" I heard a voice near me laugh.

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