Chapter 1

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    Entering a ghost town on her motorcycle, Alex began to look around curiously. She hopped off her motorcycle and entered a building. From the looks of it, it was an old saloon. Everything was covered in cobwebs and dust. She opened her hand and took her black glove off, and then appeared a small holographic map showing the area she was in.

    “Why is there a small force in a ghost town in the outskirts of Arizona?” She gave a deep sigh before putting her glove back on. “Must have just been a wild goose chase from the looks of it, but since I’m here… I’ll take a small look.”

    She exited the saloon and made her way to the end of the town. That’s when her holographic transmitter started beeping like crazy. She took it out of her back pocket to look at it, and then she started following the signal. She made her way to what looked like a hotel and went inside. She walked up the stairs where the signal went psycho.

    She ran across the hallway until she reached a room, and that’s where her holographic transmitter reached its highest point. She tried to open the door, but it was stuck, she pushed it more with her shoulder. Still not working, that’s when she kicked the door open. Dust flew everywhere as she stepped into the room finally. It took her a minute to eye everything in the room, and that’s when she spotted a glowing light… a blue light behind a box.

    She huffed before walking over to it. When she spotted the light she picked it up. It was a cube, a small one at that. She looked at it with awe and confused slightly. “What’s this doing here?”

    Before she could even think anything the cube disappeared out of her hands and the door closed suddenly. She turned around and before her… was a man. This man that was there chuckled at the sight of her. “Well, well. Glad you could make it.” He said finishing up his laugh.

     “What do you want… who are you?” She eyed him holding her staff like the man was holding a scepter.

    He chuckled again, “I am Loki, God of Mischief. And I want you… your power of the Tessaract to be exact.” He aimed his scepter and braced himself for the kick in it. The scepter fired a blue light and hit Alex throwing her into the wall.

    She winced as she took herself out of the wall, and then her staff turned into a sword with a raging red light. Once that happened she was thrown back again into the wall and out the other side. She grunted when she hit the ground that was two stories below.

    “You are strong, Korinsdaughter,” Loki stated walking out of the hotel. Then another blue light came out of the scepter making Alex skid across the dusty and dirty ground. She winced as she started to get up again, and then out of the blue Loki was standing right there and kneed her in the stomach making her step backwards a couples times. “But can you beat the God of Mischief?”

    “I can do my best,” she said running toward Loki and punching him in the stomach. But of course his illusion faded away and the real him came from behind her and stabbed her in the side of her hip. She let out a silent yelp in agony. But she elbowed him and then blue energy started to come out of her hands and she struck Loki with it. It sent the god several feet, but he regained balance soon enough. Alex held her hip realizing there was blood coming out.

     The two were about to go for another round when all of the sudden, a storm swerved in the air and lighting struck all around them. Loki laughed and looked back at Alex.  “I got to go, but I’ll be back soon.” Loki faded away that moment; Alex looked at the sky once again, except seeing a man this time.

     The man swept right by the ground grabbing Alex by the waist. She struggled to get out of his grip but it was impossible. The man flew for a couple minutes before throwing her on the ground making her slide on her back a couple feet. Alex touched her hip once more seeing more blood coming out, but then looked up at the man that just dragged her miles away from the ghost town just to be in the desert.

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