Chapter Five

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An exhausted Emma ran down stairs to treat her two sisters with whatever they needed. "Yes, how may I help you?" She politely asked. Regina pushed Zelena aside so she could speak first. "Emma, I can't find my special heels for the ball tonight! Please help!" She whined. "All right Regina. I'll find then. Zelena, what can I help you with?" Emma asked, with a soft sigh. She couldn't do too terribly much for them if she wanted to go to the ball.

"I can't find my tiara. I need the prince to believe I'm a beautiful princess! And I cannot do that without my tiara!" She screeched, making Emma jumped. She simply nodded, walking into the girls' room.

She searched the entire room, finding Regina's shoes in her shoe closet where they would always be, as well as Zelena's tiara in a box under her bed. She feared they where trying to keep her from the ball. She returned the items to the two girls, who started getting their things together.

Emma then started on her long list of chores. Wash the dishes, mop the floors, water the flowers, feed the horses, scrub the bathtub, prepare meals, wash the windows... Oh boy, she thought. She would have to get this all done as well as fixing up the dress. It seemed like an impossible mission, but she was determined.

She started at the top of the list of chores with washing the dishes, then worked her way down as quickly as possible. The ball started at eight o'clock sharp, and it was currently 5:11. She looked upon her last chore and finished it quickly, then went along to fix up her dress.

She got the dress out of the chest in the attic and started stitching, occasionally sneaking into the girls room to get a sash and accessories for the dress. She looked at the grandfather cloth in the corner of the room that read 7:02. She looked down at her completed dress, smiling with accomplishment. The joyous moment was interrupted by the yelling of her stepsisters. Emma deeply sighed, walking down to go help them.

"Zip me up!" Zelena commanded, stepping in front of her. She was wearing a lovely long sleeved green number with a blue sash, that came down to her ankles and gorgeous silver heels to top it off. Emma had to admit it, green suited her. She zipped up the dress, then walked over to a sitting Regina to do her hair.

Regina was wearing a dress similar to Zelena's, only it was red with a sweetheart neckline and black flats, but in the same length. Emma also thought that red suited Regina. She curled Regina's hair, giving her a braid and pinning it back as she put all of her hair to one side.

"You know, for a peasant girl you aren't horrible at doing hair." Regina... Complimented? Emma smiled widely, as that was the nicest thing Regina had ever said to her. "Thank you, Regina." She said, finishing off her hair and putting a silver tiara in her dark locks.

"Do you think the prince will like me Emma?" Zelena asked, admiring herself in the mirror. "I'm sure he will love you." Emma assured. "What about me Emma?" Regina echoed. "Likewise to you Regina." Emma assured to Regina as well, then left the room to get ready herself.

She hurried up to the attic, beginning to get herself ready for the ball. She was elated she would get to go. She slipped on her dress and accessories, admiring it in the mirror. It was a stunning light pink dress with sleeves that came down to her elbows, and lengthwise down to her knees, with a white sash tied into a bow to hide a tear. This look was completed by high heeled sandals, white pearls and small crystal earrings. She was also wearing a bracelet with a golden swan on it that her mother had given to her for her birthday when she was a young girl. She put her hair into a simply French braid and draped it over her shoulder, looking at the time that read 7:43.

It wasn't the nicest dress ever, but she was happy with it. She trotted downstairs where the carriage was awaiting. "I'm ready!" She exclaimed. Cora looked at her with a sly smile as her sisters softly scoffed.

"Actually... You can't go." Cora plainly said. "But Madame-" Emma was cut off by Cora giving her a hand. "That dress simply won't do. Look at your step sisters, they look stunning, and that dress is kind of... Plain." Cora shook her head in disappointment. Emma realized then that Cora was playing her from the start. She never had a chance at going. Regina looked at her with anger. "Yeah, and that's my sash!" She screeched, ripping the sash off of the dress, revealing the hole in it.

"And those are my pearls!" She said, taking them quickly off of her neck. The two angry girls then ripped Emma's dress in two different places as Cora watched with slyness on her face. "Please stop!" Emma sobbed. "This was my mother dress!"

"Well dear, if that's your mothers dress, she needs better fashion sense." Cora snarled. "Let's go girls." She said, referring to Zelena and Regina. The three got into the carriage and rode off, while Emma ran into the garden.

She collapsed onto the grown in uncontrollable sobs. How could she have been so blind? She should have known Cora was playing her just to make her hurt like this.

"Excuse me." Her thoughts where interrupted by and old woman's voice. Emma stood up cautiously, looking at her. "Who are you?" She politely asked. "Oh goodness...wrong form." The lady said, looking down at herself.

Every moment from there and on was so sudden. Emma watched in shock as the lady transformed from a frail old lady, to a beautiful woman in a large white dress with... Wings? Wait, what? Emma looked the woman up and down.

"What are you doing here?" She asked. "Oh why Emma, I'm you're fairy god mother!" She exclaimed, a wide smile on her face. "My... What?" Emma asked, clearly extremely confused.

"It's simple, really. I'm going to help you go to the ball!" She explained. "But how?"

"'ll see." She smirked, pulling out a wand. "This, is going to be fun."

A/N: hey oncers! I hope you are all doing lovely. I'm sorry it took me so long to update, but I hope you like that chapter. Comments are appreciated! Love you all! Next update after ten reads! Mwah! 💋

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