Chapter Six

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Emma stared at the strange woman in disbelief, beginning to fear her. Looking at the wand, Emma thought the woman was insane. Her mother had always talked about fairy god mothers, but Emma never truly believed in it.

"Wait, come again? Who are you?" Emma asked, extremely confused. The woman rolled her eyes, then with a flick of her wand, she was wearing and beautiful shining blue dress, that was a little bit flashy for Emma's taste. Her curly brown locks where now in a bun with a butterfly beret holding it up.

"My name is Blue. I'm your fairy god mother!" She exclaimed, smiling brightly. Emma's confusion and worry turned into a grin as she saw the wand in use. Maybe she could do that to me... She thought, referring to when the fairy changed.

"Help me." Emma begged. She wanted to go to the ball more than anything. "Hm?" Blue asked, looking around the garden. "Please help me get to the ball." Emma begged again. "I cannot go in this, and I don't have a carriage." She sighed. Blue turned to her, beaming.

"That's my mission, dearie. I'll fix you up, so you can go to the ball. You deserve to go over those three." Blue slightly scoffed. Emma offered her a small smile.

"I'm sure it's not their fault they're so...not nice sometimes. Something must have provoked them." She sighed, defending them and making Blue scoff once again. "Yeah, yeah sure. Anyways, let's get you ready. You cannot wear...that." She said, dramatically gesturing to Emma torn dress. Tears threatened Emma's eyes.

"No, please. I want to wear this dress. It was my mothers, and I want a piece of her with me when I go to the ball." She requested with a shaky voice. Blue slightly sighed, but offered her a small, sympathetic smile.

"Very well, you can wear the same dress. Can I at least, touch it up a little?" She asked desperately. Emma nodded, making Blue clap with joy. "Alright then, let's get started." She grinned, raising her eyebrows.

Blue lifted up the wand and moved it dramatically in circles. In quite a slow process, the torn pink dress started to change. Emma watched as her pink sleeves turned into long deep blue sleeves that went down to her wrists. A sweetheart neckline formed as her dress started turning blue. The lower half became larger as it had ruffles. It was kind of big, but she liked it. The now blue dress fell down to her ankles. Lastly, her beat up sandals turn into gorgeous glass slippers, that where surprisingly comfortable, and one butterfly on the top of each of them

Emma gasped, looking at the stunning dress she was wearing. She absolutely loved it. "It's gorgeous!" She exclaimed, happily spinning around. "Thank you so much, Blue!" She said, running up and hugging her. Blue laughed.

"Don't thank me yet." She said, turning away from Emma and walking towards the pumpkins. "You still need a carriage!" She looked at the pumpkins, picking out one that looked firm. "What does tha-" she stopped talking when Blue flicked her wand. She watched with wide eyes as the pumping grew larger and larger until it turned into a full carriage.

"Ta da!" Blue exclaimed, making dramatic gestures towards the carriage. Emma jumped up and down excitedly like a child as she saw the carriage.

"Not done!" Blue quickly said. "Got any animals?" She asked. Emma hesitantly nodded. "Yes. We have horses, chickens, mice, a goose, lizards, and a few dogs." Emma answered. "Perfect!" Blue exclaimed, looking around. She grabbed the horses, strapping them up to the carriage. "Horses, check!" She said, then going over to one of the dogs. With a flick of her wand, the mutt turned into a...human? Wait, what?! Emma stared the the coachman in disbelief, shaking her head. "Coachman, check!" She sang, going over and finding two lizards, turning them into humans as well. At this point, Emma was kind of used to it.

"Aaaaaannnnnddddddd footmen, check!" She grinned proudly. "Now hurry up, we need to get you to the ball!" She exclaimed, pushing her to the carriage. The footman opened the door. "You look beautiful, miss." He said in a nasally voice, bowing. Emma nodded her head at him before getting in the carriage.

"Oh, Emma!" Blue called quickly. "These effects will wear off at midnight, so you need to be back here by then." She informed. "I will be. Thank you so much for everything, Blue." Emma grinned widely, hugging her one more time. "It's not a problem dear. Now, hurry off." Blue smiled widely, waving her off. With that, Emma was on the way to the ball.


The palace was beautiful. It was golden, and there where fairy lights everywhere. It was like a dream to Emma, as she had never been to anything even close to this before.

She got out of the carriage, studying the whole place as a tear of joy trickled down her cheek. She was elated.

As she walked into the ballroom, her stomach flipped seeing all the people dancing. All of sudden, as she was walking down the stairs, the room went silent. Everyone was staring at her, and she blushed at the fact.

"Emma?" A voice called behind her as soon as she made it to the bottom of the stairs. Emma smiled widely as she recognized the voice. "Kian!" She exclaimed in excitement, turning towards him and freezing when she saw him. He looked dashing. The two froze for a moment, staring into each other's eyes.

"You look.." Kian breathed, finally breaking the silence. "I know." Emma grinned, making him chuckle. "Care to dance?" He asked, raising his eyebrow and holding his hand out. She happily excepted, walking to the middle of the room, until Kian was stopped by a voice.

"Prince Killian!" A mans voice came from behind him as the two turned around. "Father.." He gulped as Emma turned to him.

"Prince Killian?" She widened her eyes, as he sighed deeply.

"Emma, there's something I need to tell you."

A/N: GUUUUUUUYYYYYSSSSSS! Thank you so much for 200 reads! Oh my gosh you are all amazing! I'm on Christmas break, so that means a ton of updates! Sorry for the delay, writers block :( but I'm back now! Hope you all enjoyed, comments, opinions, and suggestions are greatly appreciated! Mwwaahhhh 💋

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