Spells (S-T)

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  • Dedicated to Dobby

Saburra: Throws sand from one's wand.

Sacceo: Transfigures an object into a handbag.

Sakaki: Puts the victim in a straitjacket.

Saleo: Causes a geyser to erupt from the ground.

Salsamentus: Causes something to taste excessively of salt.

Salvio Hexia: Protects an area from hexes.

Sapeo: Causes a fence to sprout from the ground.

Sator Arepo Tenet Opera Rotas: Chanted five times in a row, this will create an area that does not obey the laws of Physics as we know them. This is a very strenuous spell created by an early, anonymous Roman wizard and has not been known to provide any practical use whatsoever.

Saurifors: Transfigures an object into a lizard.

Saxifors: Transfigures an object into a stone.

Scandeo: Throws a grappling hook from one's wand.

Scaphium: Conjures a bowl and places the target object inside the


Scaturrio: Causes a liquid to bubble over.

Scleresco: Conjures a cloud of noxious gas.

Scoppica: Prevents an object magically endowed with flight (ie, a broom) from flying.

Scourgify: Cleans an item; a "Scouring Charm."

Scuticus: Casts a flagellum from one's wand.

Set: Transfigures victim into a Seth Animal.

Sectumsempra: Slashes the victim causing uncontrollable bleeding.

Senectus: Causes the victim to appear dramatically aged. This spell has no effect on the elderly.

Sepelio: Causes the victim to sink into the ground.

Serpensortia: Conjures a snake.

Serperastra: Bandages something.

Serrasmus: Conjures piranhas.

Siccitus: A "Drought Charm," causes a body of water (from puddles to ponds) to dry up.

Silencio: Silences the victim.

Silius: Causes something to suddenly jump into the air.

Singulto: Causes the victim to have hiccups.

Sisyphus: Conjures a boulder.

Sittybus: Conjures parchment.

Snaticus: Causes the victim to sneeze uncontrollably.

Somnus: Causes the victim to fall suddenly asleep.

Sonorus: Increases the volume of one's voice.

Spathacus: Transfigures the caster's wand into a sword; effect is reversed by repeating the spell.

Specialis Revelio: Reveals any properties hidden by magical means.

Splingio: Causes a thorn to sprout from the victim's tongue.

Spongify: Causes an object to become springy, like a trampoline.

Stacta: Throws oil from the caster's wand.

Stamatama: Prevents the victim from disapparating.

Stillato: Causes the victim to drop whatever they are holding.

Stupefy: Stuns the victim.

Sublivacius: Considerably lightens an object, in terms of weight. The "Sublivacious Charm."

Succlamo: Causes a person to spontaneously scream in pain.

Sudabus: Causes the victim to sweat profusely.

Suifors: Transfigures an object into a pig.

Sufflafors: The "Braking Charm," causes the victim to suddenly brake. Often used when the victim is atop a broomstick, or a similar mode of transportation.

Sufflesco: Causes an object or person to inflate and float away.

Supplanto: Trips the victim.

Susurra: Lowers a person's voice volume to that of a whisper.

Synnifus: Causes an area to become overcast, or cloudy.

Synth: Spills small red sparks from the tip of one's wand, in an effect similar to Muggle flares.

Syrticus: Turns ground into quicksand.

Tarantallegra: Causes the victim's legs to dance uncontrollably.

Tarassus: Silences an alarm.

Tartarus: Creates a bottomless pit.

Taurifors: Transfigures an object into a bull.

Telacesco: Forms a web between fingers and toes, for swimming.

Tenebro: Removes all light from an area. Light-producing magic (like Lumos and Optio) is prevented from functioning in the affected area.

Tepesco: Cools an object.

Tergeo: Siphons something into one's wand. Used for cleaning purposes.

Textus Reparo: Repairs clothes and fabric.

Tondeo: The "Scything Charm," reaps cereal cops and similar.

Thyella: Makes it windy.

Tinctus [latin color] :Turns an object the uttered color. For instance, Tinctus Verto turns an object green.

Titillando: Tickles the victim.

Tondesco: Shaves hair.

Tripsi: Lathers an object with soap suds.

Througheus: Does everything that is needed, except killing, but is very hard to manage.

Turbeo: Causes an object to spin like a top.

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