Spells (H-M)

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  • Dedicated to Emmeline Vance

Harrundo: Causes reeds to shoot out of a body of water and bind the victim.

Haurifors: Transfigures the victim's head into that of a hawk.

Hedera: Causes ivy to grow from, or on, an object.

Hinnuleus: Transfigures an object into a deer.

Hippurus: Transfigures an object into a fish of comparable size.

Homenum Revelio: Reveals human presence in the vicinity of the caster.

Homorphus: Causes a Werewolf to revert to human form for a few seconds.

Homunculus: Shrinks the victim.

Herbificus: causes a streak of blue fire to kill the oponent

Illegibilus: Causes text to become gibberish. Reversed by Legibilus.

Immobulus: Freezes objects where they are.

Impedimenta: Either freezes or throws back the victim.

Imperio: Allows the caster of obtain control of the victim. An "Unforgivable Curse."

Imperturbatum: Creates a barrier that sounds, objects, and people cannot cross.

Impervius: Makes an object resistant to water.

Imprecari: "Antonin Dolohov's Curse" Cast using a slashing movement with the wand, causing a streak of purple flame to hit the target. Potentially lethal. Used by Dolohov on Hermione Granger during the Battle of the Department of Mysteries.wich means kill.

Incarcerous: Summons ropes that immediately bind the victim.

Incendio: Casts a fireball.

Infensus: Enrages an animal, or person.

Infragilus: Makes an object unbreakable.

Infrendeo: Removes teeth.

Inlutulentus: Dries mud into earth.

Inopso: Causes the victim to stutter.

Insideo: Prevents the victim from disapparating.

Intepestus: Causes the victim to vomit uncontrollably.

Komodoensis:Conjures a Komodo dragon

Laetificus: Causes the victim to act exceedingly happy.

Laceus: Casts a rope from one's wand, which can be coiled or ensared around something.

Lapidosus: Summons a cloud of stones that hurl themselves incessently at the victim.

Largus Watri: conjures a wave of water.

Langlock: Causes the victim's tongue to be glued to the top of their mouth.

Legilibus: Makes jumbled text legible. Counter-spell to Illegibilus.

Legilimens: Allows the caster to read the victim's mind, albeit with no control over what is seen. Non-verbal Legilimency is a more precise practice.

Lentesco: Softens an object.

Lepifors: Transfigures an object into a rabbit.

Levicorpus: Dangles the victim in mid-air from their ankle.

Libaugeo: Causes the victim's lips to swell in size.

Liberacorpus: Frees a suspended body. Counter-spell to Levicorpus.

Lingaugeo: Causes the victim's tongue to swell up.

Locomotor [english object]: Causes the uttered object (e.g. Locomotor Trunk) to travel through the air. It may be steered by the caster.

Locomotor: Causes the victim's legs to lock together. The "Leg-Locker Curse."

Lovealicious: Causes the feeling of love for some times

Lumos: Causes the caster's wand to emit light, similar to a torch. May be extinguished by the spell Nox.

Lutulentus: Turns earth into mud.

Lyssacus: Causes the victim to foam at the mouth.

Mactus: Causes an object to glow.

Madidus: Drenches the victim with water.

Magna Mortem: Blasts white, hot lightning which kills the victim almost instantly. Caster's eyes glow red.

Magna Tonitrus: Fires white, lightning at the victim. Power can vary and is based on the intensity used by the caster. It is a lesser version of Magna Mortem.

Manifesto: Returns a transfigured object to it's original state. Also works on Animagi.

Marmimicus: Transfigures the victim into a statue.

Marmora: Transfigures something into marble.

Massalus: Replaces the victim's teeth with a set of dentures.

Medimento: Seals a wound.

Mellicus: Causes the victims to suddenly act as if they are in a musical. They will break out in song and dance for as long as the charm is not reversed.

Melisculus: Makes a person feel better; does not heal anything.

Mendaflesco: A "Flame-Freezing Charm." Causes flame to tickle the caster, rather than burn.

Mercimonium: When cast on a container, conjures a parchment listing the container's inventory.

Merdesco: Causes the victim to excessively produce excrement.

Meteolojinx Recanto: Halts most meteorological spells.

Meteolojio [Latin weather]: Causes a chosen form of weather over the area around the spellcaster for a short time eg.

Meteolojio Solis: causes sunshine,

Meteolojio Pluvia: causes rain.

Migmus: Blends a concoction.

Milvus: Trails a kite from the end of one's wand.

Mobili [latin object]: Moves the uttered object.

Mobiliarbus: Moves a tree.

Mobilicorpus: Moves a body.

Moneo: Reverses minor memory-altering magic.

Morsmordre: Casts the Dark Mark.

Muffliato: Fills the ears of anyone near the caster with an unidentifiable buzzing, making it difficult to hear things.

Mulceo: Calms an animal.

Mulsus: Sweetens food.

Muscifors: Transfigures an object into a mouse.

Musso: Prevents the victim from speaking any louder than a whisper.

Musticus: Transfigures an object into a ferret.

Myrmicus: Conjures ants.

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