Spells (A)

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  • Dedicated to Mad-Eye Moody

Abigo: Throws back an object.

Ablattero: Causes the victim to babble.

Abludificus: When cast on an item, prevents anyone from "cheating" with that item.

Acalanthus: Temporarily transfigures an object into a giant canary.

Accio: Summons an object.

Accetus: When cast on a person, everything they eat or drink tastes like vinegar.

Accresco Momentum: Increases the speed of a falling object.

Acroasus: Magically reads a text aloud.

Adesse: Causes the victim to suddenly raise their hands

Adhero: Adheres two objects together.

Aeneus: Causes an object to be made of bronze.

Affligo: Strikes a person, as if a blow were made.

Agitantus: Causes a person to feel as if they are being constantly followed.

Agnifors: Transfigures an object into a lamb.

Agrestus: Transfigures an object into a random barn animal.

Aguamenti: Conjures a jet of clear water from the caster's wand.

Alacritas: Causes any paper, parchment, or picture to show a television show or movie.

Alarte Ascendare: Causes an object to shoot up into the air.

Alectiplectus: Produces a parachute from the end of one's wand.

Alohomora: Unlocks an object.

Alveus: Hollows an object.

Alveusio: Creates a sizable hole in an object.

Amitteo: Causes the victim to misplace the first object they come in contact with, or are holding.

Anakatus: Dazes the victim.

Anapneo: Clears the target's airway, should it be blocked.

Anataracus: Prevents an object from being stolen.

Anaticula: Causes the victim's wand to emit ducks whenever a spell is cast

Animum Pulsare: Stabilizes a heartbeat.

Animum Quiesce: Slows down or, if so desired, halts the heartbeat. Not as dangerous as Avada Kedavra, as it can be easily reversed.

Aniskey: Sobers a person.

Ansalactus: Causes an object to sprout handles.

Anserrus: Causes the victim to honk like a goose.

Appareo: Causes an invisible item to become visible.

Aparecium: Makes invisible ink visible.

Apiscus: Inanimates a magically animated object.

Appicus: Conjures a bee, or swarm of bees.

Apsius: Rakes leaves.

Arachnifors: Transfigures an object into a large spider.

Arania Exumai: Casts a spider backwards.

Arbusto: Causes a tree to suddenly sprout from the ground.

Arceo: Locks a lock.

Arcus: Shoots an arrow, or arrows, from the caster's wand.

Aresco: Dries an object.

Arresto Momentum: Slows the descent of a falling object.

Arretica: Throws a net from one's wand.

Arricneo: The "Bucking Bronco Hex," causes an object to attempt to throw a person off of itself. Can be cast on chairs, rugs, brooms, animals.

Arroncalus: Causes the victim to snore. When cast on a snorer, causes the snoring to cease.

Ascendio: Causes the caster to shoot upwards.

Astrapicus: Causes lightning to strike an object, or person.

Atrumerushic: Summons Voldemort back, highly illegal, all suspects have to have someone near successful at casting the Killing Curse in case they do bring back Voldemort so that person can kill both Voldemort and the caster.

Attero: One of the two "Backfiring Jinxes." Causes the victim's wand to either explode or snap in two, should the victim cast another spell.

Auctus: Enlarges an object.

Aures Radiculae: Causes radishes to fall out of the victim's ears.

Avada Karate: Makes you do a perfect karate chop on whats in front of you.

Avada Kedavra: The "Killing Curse"; foremost of the unforgivable curses.

Avifors: Transfigures an object into a bird.

Avis: Conjures a flock of small, twittering birds.

Arard Pottermon: This spell is always on the first page of a spell book, it was created in Harry’s honor. It creates a large earthquake.

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