BTS writing love letters

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Jin: /write love letter to Mario/ I hope he like it!
To: Mario
From: Pink Princess Jin
Dear, Baby Mario my very special man in the whole Korea!
I  hope you will tell me your feelings and please tell me you love me!
Or else I will come to you here I say... Please accept my much love!
Love, Jin Hime \^3^/ /spray perfume on the letter/
Mario: /read letter/..../burn the letter/

Rapmonster: /write love letter to Jin/ please accept my heart Honey
To: Lovely Jin Honey
From: Got jams Rapmon
Dear, Kim Seokjin. Please don't hate me and don't burn this letter...
Because I love you and please accept my feelings
Love, SailorMon
Jin: bish please! /stab knife on the letter/ I don't accept you weirdo!

Jimin: /write letter to Suga/ oh my gosh... My heart is beating so fast...
To: Snow White Suga
From: Jamless Chimchim
Dear, Suga hyung
I have been waiting for this for whole years I guess...
Please accept my love! I really like you since the beginning!
Love, Jamless
Suga: ZZZZzzzzZzzzzZ
Swaeg the turtle: /eat letter/
J-hope: /heart broken/ my hearteu... /faints/

J-hope: /write letter to Jimin/ please accept me! Not that Sleepy Head!
To: Chimchim
From: Jung Horseok
Dear, Chimchim
I love you so much please accept me if you choose
The sleepy head! I will beat him up!
Jimin: /gave Swaeg the turtle letter/
Swaeg: /eat letter/
Suga: wut dat you eating?

Jungkook: /write love letter to V/ I love V hyung so much?
To: Lovable V
From: The Golden Maknae
Dear, V hyung
I love you accept me.
Love, Kookie.
V: /give duck/ here food from Kookie!
Ducky: /eat the letter/

Suga: /write letter to pillow/
To: Special Pillow
From: Swaeg Suga
I love you, Pillow
Love, Min Suga
Jimin: /read letter, heart broken/ SUGA HYUNG LOVE ME!!! *hug Suga*
Suga: /blush/

V: /write letter to a duck/ I will write in Duck Language!
Quack quack moo~ moo~ ruff! Ruff!
Quack evol uoy!
Quackey, Bwi!
Duck: /eat letter/ QUACK!!!
Hey guys! Here another jokes! I hope it's funny please vote and comment! I will be back with new jokes later see you guys soon~~~

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