08 - Avril's Audition

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Avril's P.O.V

OMG! today was the audition and im freaking nervous of all the toughts coming to my mind! what if I fail! what if I forgot the steps! what if they didn't want me or like me! I don't know! im just nervous! Im at the backstage with my 4 girl friends

"Hey hey, look your not going to fail that just take a deep breath.. and release" I follow what she told me but the nervous still didn't go away "I can do this... I can't do this... I can do this... mmm!! I don't know! ughh!" 

I can't feel my legs! I feel like my whole body was trembling and nervous wreck I can't even feel my body just my fast beating heart

"Look at me! you could do this!" Jade slap my cheeks and I stood in shock "Why the hell you did that for?" I ask

"Because you! miss, you are freaking nervous so I need to slap you so you could wake up in reality" Jade say

"Next" I heard the judge and that meant my heart pound really fast

When I walked up in stage I see 4 judges 2 girls 2 boys then at the audience I see Liam's friends and him and my friends now im nervous wreck I could collapse in just a matter of minute 

"So what's your name?" one of the judge from the 2 boys say

"Im Avril Ramona Lavigne"

"And why are you here today?" one of the girl judges say

"Im here to get the position of being a cheerleader"

"Show us what you got" then after the girl the next girl say

Then the music play then the 9 of my friends clap and cheer then I really give the best energy I got because you know im mix emotion right now im nervous,excited,energetic so here I am while im dancing I smile until the end of the dance, after the music stop there was silence then the 4 judges had a little meeting then im here thinking that I won't get the job

I looked up and see the 4 judges clap "Avril, you got the job" one of the judges say "really?! I can't believe it!" then the 9 friends of mine come down and I go down stage then group hug them OMG! I didn't expect this, we seperate from our group hug and see the judges smile at us at coo

"Avril after 2 weeks monday, at the field maybe 10:30 so maybe this night think of a moves again that you'll teach for 12 girls" one of the boy judge say, he has a brown hair and a blue eyes "Im Jerome by the way" the boy say "And this is Ryan,Alice,Lilibeth" he introduced the judges and I nodded "Nice to meet you all" I smile at them "Okay well we have to go remember your task it's needs to be done after 2 weeks okay" Jerome say and I nodded

I turn around to meet my friends "Yey! you pass! it's time to celebrate!!" Perrie say and we all scream a yey then get out of the auditorium


Okay so now were here at the McDonalds celebrating gladly we are in the 2nd floor of the mcdo my friends and I was alone in here we are quite noisy but we maintain to cool it a little bit lower, we don't wanna be get shout or kick out of here "Okay so after mcdonalds we are going to have a slumber party! yey! at my house!" I say then we all burst into happiness and the boys well they are not invited tho 

"Yey! that's great Avril!" Louis say "Umm sorry no boys allowed" Perrie told them and they frown "aww.. but why?" Niall say "No, no, no" Leigh say and we nodded "Sorry guys" I say "Okay" the 5 boys say in union then I nodded  "So we have to go guys we don't wanna be approach the night time" Jesy say, then 10 of us nodded then we leave the place then then me and my girl friends go to my house while the 5 boys seperated ways to go home


I got no time to continue this chapter this chapter should be 1000+ words but I have field trip tomorrow and I really need to get ready so yeah bye!


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