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"Christmas," I said with a smile on my face as I woke up on Christmas Day. I had never been this excited for Christmas since I was eight. Maybe it was because I had turned 18 two days ago or maybe it was because of our guest list. My cousin, Luke Hemmings, is a part of a band that is gaining more fame every second of the day and tbh, his band mates are complete hotties so having all of them in my house will be the Christmas of all Christmases.

But on the other hand that breakfast has never smelt so good. I race down the stairs and I reach the table with the most amazing breakfast I have ever seen. "Well Merry Christmas to you too Vi," my Mum says sarcastically I chuckle a Merry Christmas and then I realise. PRESENTS! Grabbing I piece of bacon I stubble into the lounge room where my 3 little sisters crowd around the tree. "ALRIGHT! Back off, it's my turn," I said it weirdly to make my sisters laugh. I love them so much maybe even more than bacon... nope I love bacon more than them. Wait now I sound like a bad person. Okay okay, I love them all equally.

But the down fall of my 3 little sister is that they are triplets. Yep! Triplets. But the best thing about it is that they are 8. So cute!! And we all have names from flowers. The triplets names are: Rose (or Carrot), the red head, she is really caring and loving but watch out, she can be feisty, the next one is, drumroll please, Lily, she has blond hair and is always there to cheer you up, and the last of the triplets, Alyssa, she is very open and crazy around us (her family) but is very shy around other people especially at school, she has brown hair, and then lastly there is me, Violet but everyone calls me Vi.

"Hurry up Vi!!" Rose shouted out, "I wanna see what you got!"

"What so you three can use it? I know you guys," I said looking at them all standing next to each other with a suspicious look in their eye. "If you guys don't tell me now I will tickle you!"

"Okay, Carrot wants to use your presents because your eighteen and she says that when your eighteen you get the best presents," Alyssa busted out with a huge breath.

"Rose Lorraine Hemmings, spill."

"Okay it's true... but you never let us play with your prezzies," she complained.

"Well... Maybe I'll let you this year," her face lit up with excitement, "but, let me open them first."

I whipped my body around and dropped to the floor my sisters surrounding me in an instant. I grabbed the first one I saw and ripped it open. you have to be kidding me... ITS AND IPHONE 6S!!! "Okay girls maybe don't play with this one," they groaned but I knew that they would never touch something so expensive. "Lily? Is that one, at the back, is it mine?" She crawled to the back of the tree and nodded bring it out for me.

"It's really heavy!" She said struggling to drag it out from under the tree. I wonder what it is. The rapping was more delicate so I didn't rip it like I did before, I unwrapped it with care. To my surprise it was a vinyl player. I never asked for it but always wanted one ever since I wondered into a vinyl shop in Melbourne last holidays.

I left the girls in the lounge and went to my mum in the kitchen. "Mum, was that vinyl player from you?" I said, she had a small smirk on her face when she turned to face me.

"I saw the look on you face in Melbourne and you've been all about music this last year more that ever so I thought you would get good use out of it," I hugged her because it was, even though I didn't know it yet, everything I wanted for Christmas.

"I have to get back to the tree, I think there is one more present left," I said running back to the loung room.

"Don't forget to eat breakfast girls! And the very special guests will be here in 2 hours so be ready in time," my poked her head around the corner but none of us cared. Wait 2 hours. Luke and his band will be here in 2 HOURS! Oh shit I haven't even had a shower this morning. Okay after this present I'm leaving all the joy of Christmas and making my self look good for the boys! OMG IM SO EXCITED!

"Okay girls, last prezzie for this morning!" They all cheered and gave me the present that they had bought with their own money. "Wow it's so soft!" They all giggled and I ripped it open and instantly ran away from them with my new bit teddy bear. It was the size of them. It was like I had another sister!

After I had collected my other presents in my room and left my bug teddy bear twitch the girls I went and had a shower. After my cold shower I did my light makeup cause I hate makeup and it always makes me brake out and I just hate pimple. Yuck. I decided on putting on a short floral dress. I don't know what's up with my family but somehow we all just LOVE everything flowery.

"Vi quickly come and eat some breakfast! Everyone will be here in 30 minutes!" My mum shouted from the base of the stairs. I quickly got down stairs to see my 3 little sisters eating all the food still in their pyjamas. "Hey, leave some for me," I said as I sat down on the table.

"Grab what you want and go to the lounge room girls, dad will be home with the ice any second and I want to clear this table," she said with a sweet smile. We all went to the lounge room and the girls just played with their presents again.

Just as I had gotten comfortable the doorbell rang. I hope this will be a good Christmas!


I'll get better... Hopefully.

- C

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