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A/N: I am very sorry for the very very very slow update but I will make it up to you with two or three more chapters 😋😋 thanks
Akane's point of view

"Wha-at do you mean?!", I stuttered confused.

"It's what I said ok? Now let me drink some of your blood", Shu demands

"Do you think I'm that stupid to let your do that??", I say trying to grab one of my blades but realising I forgot to pack it in my sock.

"Crap!! Forgot my blade and twin guns plus I'm feeling light headed to grab my Katana from the nearest table", I scream in my head.

"In trouble are ya?", Shu does a sly smirk.

"You know I am a vampire hunter and vampire hunters do not become trouble right in front of their opponent", I remark smartly.

"Well then show me", Shu challenges me.

I charge at full speed like I always do and get my knuckles ready to punch his face he tries to grab my wrist but I turn the opposite way and punch his back making him fly across the room. He gets up, red glowing in his eye with blood down his face from his bleeding forehead but then I was feeling very sick and dizzy and it wasn't normal sick and dizzy it actually felt like I was going into another world, my surround turned black. I woken inside a Forrest with a road close to it, I saw a small cottage across the road I waked to the other side where the cottage was.

"So weird where am I and what is this place?", I questioned.


Suddenly a huge bang came from the little cottage, I hid in the bushes near it. Then a pink haired lady with the same coloured hair as me with a coat came out running with full speed with a object in her hand. I followed her curious.

"Why is she running and who is she?", millions of questions popped into my brain.

She stopped at a bridge with a river underneath, staring at the water flowing she slowly helping her way on the rails of the bridge with the unknown object in her hands.

"Don't tell me she's gonna.."

"STOP!", a voice called, the voice belonged to a middle aged man.

"What do you think your doing with a baby in your hands and dangerous sitting on the rails of a bridge?", he questioned confused.

"Nothing", the lady said calmly.

"If you are going to act dangerous with this baby I'm going to have to take the baby away from you and report you", the man said.

"NO! You can't do that to me!", the lady screams at the man.

He forcibly took the baby off her making her unbalance and Trip over the rails of the bridge into the stream of water. The lady screamed I tried helping but sadly I only did was go through them. The guy walks away with the baby and leaves the lady in the stream to die.

"So Cruel", I grasp.

I stare at the lady praying for her death as run off looking for the man who stole her baby. The guy looked wealthy as he smartly sat in the limo like a rich guy holding the baby close to him.

"Your perfect for my wife", he gladly smiles.

"I shall may call you Akane, even though you don't look like a angry or mad child, but still fits perfectly for your looks.

I was speechless.

"He stole me from my mother and left her dead", I stuttered in sadness.

"Akane now you know the truth behind your parents but your still wondering what that letter is for don't you?", i hear Shu's voice.

A tear rolls down my face, I fall onto his shoulder and cry, he wraps his arms around my body keeping me close to him, he pats my head.

"You know when ever someone lies to me I plan to kill them alone", Shu told me.

I stop crying and wrap my arms around Shu.

"Thanks Shu", I gave him my real smile and he blushes lightly.

As we didn't know someone was watching us from the door.

A/N: this is not edited so please don't hate and I'm so sorry about the slow updates just getting really for the Christmas spirit! Just can't wait until Christmas 🎉🎉

She's a vampire hunter (diabolik lovers fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now