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Akane's POV

My head hurts as hell I can't even think straight, the last of what I saw was kanato. But I'm not in his room anymore. I'm some in some else's room but whose room?

Did someone move me? It doesn't matter about that, I need to check on Yui before the vampire brothers get her.

I tried getting up but all of a sudden my balance went out of place and I fell straight on the ground.

"Argh, I can't think at all what even happened to me?"

Suddenly the door opens revealing Ruki

"Whaaa! Ruki!?!" I screamed. "Can you not scream, your going to pop my ear drums" Ruki states.

"Um where am I?" 

"Your in the Mukami household", Ruki answers

 "How-w did I even get here?! please tell me"

"Let's just say vampires are good at robbing" (A/N: lmao??)

I tried getting up but I staggered and fell but luckily Ruki catches me before I crash onto the ground. Our faces where so close together, I couldn't help my blushing face.

"Wow Reiji's drug really did wear you out" 

So this is all Reiji's doing, that dam kitchenware otaku!

Ruki picked me up princess style and carried me over to his bed

"hey, I'm fine!"

Ruki flicks my forehead

"You idiot just a second ago you were staggering, lay down now", he points to the bed, he thens walks to the door and leaves shutting the door.

I lay down on the bed thinking of how am I going to kill my father who isn't my father? I don't even know where he is right now. 

"I'm going to find him now!"

I jump off the bed and put my shoes back on, I walk to the door and open it 

"Hey Tiger-chan~"  someone whispers in my ear

"Whaaa!" I jump at the sight of Kou next to me 

"hahaha I love that look on your face!" Kou laughs at me

I glare at him "Also whats with the name you gave me too?!?!" I was ready to kill him.

"Oh that? thats because your a feisty woman" 

A vein pops in my head

now I really want to rip off his neck but I maintained myself and kept calm.

Kou's POV

Haha she's so adorable just like a kitten. I don't know how I like her but she just gives off this vibe that I need to protect her.

"Why are you here anyways?", Akane asks me

"Hmmmm? oh yeah! food is ready" 

She's a vampire hunter (diabolik lovers fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now