Part 3

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"Tiger Lily," Peter said into the air softly. "Peter, I need to speak to you. It is urgent," said the Indian woman and her voice was rich and sultry. Jealousy reared its ugly head inside of you as you slowly took in the girl in front of you. She was tall for a woman with long legs that seemed to go on for miles. She had on a soft beige doe skin dress that wrapped around her chest and hips snuggly and ended mid-thigh with fringe tassels. She had an athletic grace about her with finely toned arms and not an inch of fat about her. Her skin was bronze as if it were kissed by the sun and smooth without the slightest blemish. She had shining jet black hair that she wore in two low thick braids that hung gently over her shoulders and stopped just past her breasts. But what was most striking about this woman was her face. It was all broad sharp angles and looked like a piece of art. Her jaw was strong and pointed which gave shape to impossibly high cheekbones; the kind of cheekbones celebrities paid big money to have. Her lips were full and round with a natural rosy brown pout. Her nose was perfectly straight and sharp. She had large almond shaped eyes that were so dark they looked almost black with long lashes that swept like butterfly wings every time she blinked. In the middle of her forehead was a slim turquoise leather band that wrapped around her head and held one long eagle feather pointing straight up in the back. Pocahontas would weep with jealousy had she seen this exotic creature in front of you.

"Okay, have a seat," Peter said and he snapped his fingers together twice. In an instant Tootles was there beside Tiger Lily with a plain wooden straight backed chair. Tiger Lily looked at it dubiously and didn't sit. You couldn't help, but notice Tootles's baby blue eyes darting nervously between Peter, you, and the beautiful Indian woman. "I'm afraid this is a private matter," she said and her dark eyes glanced towards you for a split second before returning back to Peter. If you hadn't been studying her so closely you probably would have missed it. "It's okay Lily. Whatever you have to say to me you can say in front of my men and my girl." Tiger Lily's eyebrows went up in surprise and she turned her head towards you. She quietly examined you for a few seconds, her face an unreadable mask. You fought not to squirm under her scrutiny. You would not let this woman intimidate you, no matter how beautiful she was. You straightened your posture and met her gaze evenly. After a few more hushed seconds a faint smile tugged her luscious lips and she gave you a nod of acknowledgement which you returned a little hesitantly.

It was then that Peter piped up and motioned to Tiger Lily with one hand, "(your name) this is Tiger Lily Princess of the Picanniny Tribe and a trusted old friend," then he began to motion towards you with his other hand, "Tiger Lily this is (your name), the first and only female member of The Lost Boys." Of course she had to be a princess. How do you compete with that? your inner mind turned snarky, but what you said aloud was, "Hello, it's nice to meet you Princess." The faint trace of a smile crossed her lips again, but it did not reach her eyes. It was then that you noticed her eyes were a little glossy, like she wanted to cry. Sympathy for this gorgeous creature began to well up in you and you weren't even sure why. It's not like you stole Peter from her or anything. He came to find you after all.

"Call me Tiger Lily please. It is nice to meet you as well. Any friend of Peter's is a friend of mine." Her voice was deep and even, betraying the hurt look in her eyes. She then gracefully sat down on the little wooden chair. Her posture was straight, but relaxed and her hands came to rest on her lap. It was as if she were sitting on a throne. The faint smile on her lips completely vanishes and her lips are now pressed in a grim line. The look in her black eyes becomes deadly serious and holds an unspoken weight. You can't help, but notice a slight tremble starting in her arms, but the lovely princess stops it by clasping her hands together tightly. The cozy feeling of the room seems to change along with her demeanor. The hushed conversations had by The Lost Boys come to a halt and the air filled with a tension that had not been there a few seconds ago. Peter too had felt it for he stopped leaning on his arms and was now sitting straight up. His attention completely focused on Tiger Lily. His warm brown eyes that had earlier held a hint of humor and mischievousness were now sharp and attentive. "What is it Lily?" he asked his liquid voice barely above a whisper. All eyes in the room were now focused on the lovely princess. She inhaled a deep breath and seemed to compose herself. Her face was grave as she looked into Peter's eyes and said, "It's my father. He has been...He has been murdered." A collective gasp filled the room and pity welled in your heart for this gorgeous woman you barely even knew. So that's why she looked as if she was trying not to cry. It had nothing to do with petty jealousy. A wash of shame came riding upon the coat tails of your sympathy. You wanted to tell this woman you were sorry, but weren't sure your commentary was appropriate. You snuck a glance at Peter beside you. He was as still as a statue. His muscles tightened in his biceps and in between his open knees where his arms hung you could see his fists balled so tight it was turning his knuckles white. You watched as he sat there immobile; absorbing this shocking news. His arched brows were furrowed in stunned frustration and his jaw was locked. It hurt you to see him look so hurt and angry.

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