Part 11

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You pushed aside the bear skin curtain and charged into the main hollow of the tree where the only other room was. As soon as you entered the room it seemed that all of The Lost Boys had felt it. Though each of them seemed to be busy with their own things they all stopped and simultaneously turned to look at you. Tootles and Cubby smiled openly with a mixture of relief and joy, while The Twins looked as apathetic as they always did, and Nibs gave you a mischievous wink when you caught his tired eyes. Slightly having already seen you was busy hunched over the small table having a hushed conversation with two glowing pixies. They were shining so brightly that it was hard to discern what they looked like from where you stood. You felt Peter come up behind you, but you did not spare him a glance. Your eyes were glued to the two shining balls of light that were placed on the table in front of Slightly. "You should probably meet your other saviors," Peter's silken voice whispered in your ear.

Peter reached down and cradled your hand in his as he led you over to the old wooden table where Slightly was sitting. He stopped just beside Slightly and pulled you closer to his side so you could get a better look. On the scratched and worn surface of the table stood two of the most magnificent creatures you had ever seen. The mermaids had been stunning, but even Titania herself couldn't compare to the pint-sized resplendency before you. There was one man and one woman. The man wore a spiked trident like crown of pure gold around his head that was only a shade darker than the trailing locks of thick flaxen yellow hair that curled lusciously down to his slim waist. His hair was so bright and blonde that it looked like it radiated light. Hair like his would have looked feminine had it not been for the rest of him which just screamed raw masculine beauty. His face was notably Roman, all broad smooth planes with a high forehead and a rugged square cut jaw. Despite how full and lush his lips were, they were set in stern lines. His eyes were deep in his face and were the color of liquid amber. His skin was the kind of tan that seemed to shine from within as if it had been kissed by the sun itself. He wore a Grecian style white robe that hung over one broad shoulder while leaving the other bare, and that traveled in a skirted fashion down to his solid mid-thighs. Golden gladiator sandals covered his feet and wove their way up to his knees. Around each of his well muscled biceps were thick chunky bands of gold. The male pixie stood proudly with his toned arms crossed over the flat planes of his chest and both of his legs planted firmly on the table's rough surface. His golden translucent wings flickered up and down gently behind him like the gossamer wings of a dragonfly.

The pixie woman beside him was just as glorious looking as the man was. Her hair was impossibly straight and it flowed like water all the way down to her tiny white silken slippers. The color of her hair was a glistening pure silver that was so fine it could have been made from a spider's web. Her features were a complete counter to the ruggedly handsome man beside her. Her face was all delicate angles, with hollow cheeks and a small chin that came to a sharp rounded point. Her heart shaped face made her round eyes, which were the color of hard ice chips, look almost too big for her face. She had a narrow patrician nose that tilted slightly upwards at the tip. Her small rosebud lips were the lightest shade of pale pink. She too wore a Grecian style white robe, but hers was clipped together at the shoulders by silver crescent moons. The dress was pulled tightly like a corset over her small chest while the rest of the light fabric pooled freely at her waist over her willowy frame. Her arms were bare and you saw that her skin was the color of fine china. The only jewelry she wore was two glinting silver bands around her slim wrists. She stood with her arms cupped demurely in front of her waist and her chin was held elegantly high in the air. Her white wings were tucked down close to her slight body, looking as fragile as a moth's. It was as if one touch would send them crumpling into ashes. While the pixie man had radiated energy and life, she held a stoic calmness that gave her a cold ethereal appearance. They both looked like they had stepped out of ancient painted murals of angels in heaven. Tinker Bell had been lovely in a rather earthly way, but these creatures were simply divine. The pixie woman turned her piercing gaze on you and her eyes were as hard and unfeeling as cut glass.

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