Part 12

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You watched in silence as Tootles tended to the tiny campfire. His slim frame was bent over the crackling embers as his hands fanned the flames higher. The flames danced and grew under his skilled and practiced movements. The fire below him cast a warm orange glow all over the planes of his smooth pale skin. Your heart instantly began to ache for him. A boy his age should be in high school living with his parents and flirting with girls. He shouldn't be starting fires, hunting for food, mourning murdered Indian Chiefs, or warring with deranged pirates. A boy his age's only concerns should be homework or what he's going to do on a Saturday night not where his next meal is going to come from or when he or his brothers will be attacked next. This was no life for a young teenage boy, especially one as gentle as Tootles.

Your mind brought you back to the first time you had seen him. He had shot you out of the sky nearly killing you if it hadn't been for Peter. Even then it was only because he was doing what Tink had told him to. Once he had realized his mistake he had been willing to pay for it with his life. Your memory froze on the image of his brilliant baby blue eyes and how they had been filled with instant guilt at having shot at you. Then you thought of how he had courageously told Peter to "strike true", bearing his chest so Peter could stab him through the heart. He hadn't cried or trembled when Peter had taken out his small dagger intent on doing just that. You had no doubt in your mind now that had you not stopped Peter when you did; Tootles would have let him kill him without any resistance. The thought of that alone sent a chill down your spine. Tootles was too loyal, too kind for this savagely brutal world. Captain Hook had declared war on The Lost Boys and it sounded like the final battle would be soon. Would gentle, loving Tootles be able to survive it? Your heart clenched while your stomach heaved at the terrible thought of him surrounded and stabbed to death by pirates. You gave your head a vicious shake to clear it of the grisly imagery your mind was creating. You couldn't afford to think like that. The thought of losing any of The Lost Boys was too much for you to handle. It didn't matter that you had only known them for a week. They were family now and each one of them had taken up a special place in your heart. Losing one of them now would mean losing a chunk of your heart. You'd never be complete without it.

Without another thought you stood up and went to sit cross legged beside Tootles in front of the small fire pit. The heat from the fire immediately bathed your skin in an invisible blanket of comforting warmth. Tootles smiled sweetly at you as he scooted to make more room for you. "I'm glad you're okay," he said as a few of his jet black locks fell into his eyes. You returned his smile and replied, "Only thanks to you. If you hadn't pulled me out of the water I'd be fish food right now...literally." Tootles ducked his head in embarrassment as he took out a long stick and poked aimlessly at the fire. "It was no big deal. Any one of the guys would have done it too. I just happened to be there first." He shrugged nonchalantly. You stared intently at the delicate profile of his face as you said seriously, "It doesn't matter if they would have done it. What matters is that you did do it. You saved my life Tootles and for that I am eternally grateful. I...I don't even know how to start repaying you." The rising emotions in your chest felt like they were caught in your throat. Words weren't enough to convey how you were really feeling. Tootles turned his head towards you, his wide bright blue eyes meeting yours evenly. It was the first time you were seeing them without a trace of the black kohl that usually circled at least one of them. So many years were in those young eyes. They held the weight of wisdom far beyond anyone his age should have. His voice was soft, but clear when he said, "Did you forget? I pledged my life to protect yours. I made a vow to you the day you arrived here and I never go back on my word. So you don't owe me anything." You did remember how he had gotten down on one knee in front of you and made his pledge to protect you. You hadn't really thought of it since then. Still it didn't sit right with you. You opened your mouth to speak, but the sober look on Tootles's face stopped you. His face brokered no room for argument. His jaw was set in a stern line and his eyes were narrowed in solemnity. The usual boyishness of his face was made harsher by his resoluteness. Looking at him like that in the firelight was like getting a glimpse of the man he would someday grow to be. Your breath caught in your chest as a strange feeling of awe and pride stirred within you. He would indeed grow up to be a fine man one day.

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