The Awakening

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Miato Pov

Its been a year since Beast and I have been married, My mother is alright with it but my sister went on to college but I don't see that lasting long. My sister wasn't exactly the school oriented type she more of the party hardy type. But I wonder what she went for but oh well. I rolled over and I didn't feel Beast in the bed which screamed red alert in my head I jumped up and looked around but my alert shut off when I saw he was playing the Xbox one. I twisted my body to look at the clock to realize it was Saturday so there was no need to get up so I rolled once more on my back as my tail wagged. I let out a whimper and whine as I rubbed my eyes yawning, "oh did I wake you?" I chuckled a bit "nah, but why you up so early" I said sitting up stretching my body as my body popped and cracked. "I couldn't sleep it sucks but I couldn't, god your adorable" I smiled at his remark how could I not he was to sexy and best thing about it he was mine. I jumped out of bed letting myself get use to standing I guess I must have slept for a while. "Miato your mom called, she wants to talk to you" I rolled my eyes, great a year later then she starts noticing me wonder what the hell this could be about. I walked into the front room to get my cell phone off from it charger, which was over behind the couch where me and best set up a station for the phones or other electronics that we had. I turned it on and waited for it to give me my options so I clicked on my mothers number and called her waiting for her to pick up but something wasn't right "hello mom?" I heard muffled weeps "m....Miato darling its your sister, she trying to kill me, she outside the house right now with guns and violence and the police said they wont help because It not their problem" I rolled my eyes "what do you expect me to do about it? aren't you the one who babied her who always tell her she always in the right?". I rolled my eyes and sighs "Beast I'll be right back I need to go to moms for an hour" I spoke walking out of the door closing it. I hoped I knew what I was in for time to try to settle this feud once and for all but how could I my sister is a snot nosed banshee she not gonna just stop but then again there always something she wants in return. I got into the car started it up and zoomed out of the driveway in the dark I keep going for about 24 miles till I saw a biker gang outside my old house they was shooting and cursing and screaming things in the air. I parked in a ally and got out locking up the car as I walked out of the ally standing in the middle of the road. I took a deep breath and screamed "SO sis, long time no see" I watched a girl who was dirty dyed purple hair and prostitute outfit on walking to the front of the gang I cringed at the sight of my sister. "Oh if it isn't my adorable brother Miato how is it being married to Beast does he give you good sex, haha tell me little brother how does it feel ripping your sister future away from her" I titled my head a little as I heard a voice in my head a woman voice. I looked around I couldn't see anyone but I heard a woman's voice in my head she was gentle but she spoke over my sister "Miato darling in time we will meet but I grant you the gate of magic please use it well" the voice said. I snapped out of my thoughts looking up at my sister to see her gun aimed right for me it was like a moment blink I heard the gun go off but the bullet stopped in thin air before hitting me. I looked at it as the bullet just floated there falling to the ground I felt immense power inside of me swirling I did what I felt the need to. "You was always a bitch sis and tonight you crossed me for the last time" I growled as fire appeared around me like a snake before an explosion went off with all the bikes. My sister head yanked around to see the explosion I laughed as I watched another explosion happen near the gate to the house my sister started backing up with all her friends. I started to walk near as wind picked up lightning flared into the sky I was feeling power I didn't even know exists power that was beyond knowledge, I stopped as wings appeared behind me but they looked nothing like my sisters or mothers wings these wings was angelic and demon combined. I didn't pay so much attention as I held out on hand a flash happed as my sister and her friends was stabbed with swords I lowered my hand as they fell to the ground dead. "You never was worth the life you took up sis, now make yourself useful as the devils whore" I turned around my wings exploded into cherry blossom and rose peddles as the power I felt faded inside of me I didn't understand it completely but I wanted to know what was going on.

I began walking before taking pain in my body I fell to my knees coughing and gagging this pain was immense, where did this pain come from? or the better question why was it here, I felt hands familiar hands grab both shoulders from behind. I looked to see my mother helping me up off the street pulling me inside of the house she lied me down on the couch as her demon summoning tended to my pain. Yes I know you would expect something more interesting but the fact is my mom could summon minions at any point she wanted how else did she keep us watched without caring?. "I saw what you did there Miato you have been blessed with Anirisa gift of magic, I never thought I would see that ever again in my life" I looked at her through my left eye the only eye I had uncovered by my hair. "A.....Anirisa gift?" I managed to say "yes the goddess of death she watches over our world weaving the magic and fate around us her magic is not to be taking lightly and the fact that you just used some of it is really amazing, but she blessed you I am sure she will meet you eventually" she said narrowing her eyes to look gentle and caring. This image of my mother was offset to what I was normally use to seeing on that cold hearted face of her's. " my mate please" she nodded grabbing the keys from my pocket putting in a code "zero x5 fetch Beast" I heard the car zoom down the road and it didn't take long before it came back into the view bring Beast with it. That car was really something else, Beast walked in immediately darting to my side kneeling down kissing my forehead "are you alright baby?" he asked gently. I managed a nod as my mother took him by the hand pulling him to the kitchen.

Beast's Pov.

Miato mother yanked me away from my sick baby who laying helpless on a couch to take me to the kitchen. "What is it?" I asked her as she looked up out the small window I am guessing this is what Miato meant when she talked she had a habit to talk to a window rather then directly at you. "Your my sons husband his mate his life my life is coming to an end I am sad to say Beast I am glade he met someone like you, you have gave him the life I couldn't ever hope to give to him all I did give him was pain sorrow and regret but you saved him so thank you" I laughed a little "that's what I do he had my heart from the first sight a year ago and still does today" I looked at her my smile dialed down to a frown as I watched her eyes slowly close. "I want you to take the 4.5 trillion dollars and leave this place leave this city completely Beast take him and go have a better life" my mouthed dropped open "b...but what will you do?" she looked up at me for the first time I seen her eyes directly "I am keeping 1 million dollars I leaving as well to die in a church my time is coming I tired of suffering Beast now you are to take Miato and go before next week I got everything set up for you the house is paid for it in a little village called Norini". I sighed understanding she handed me a card a debit card hooked to the new banking account with the 4.5 trillion dollars in it. I turned around and headed back to the front room but stopping at the door "thanks, you may not been the best of mothers but your pretty good all things considered" I walked off as I heard her lay her head on the table. I walked into the front room and picked up Miato who was out cold I carried him to the zero x5 who was shouting orders at me, damn mouthy ass car worse then a woman on her period. I rolled my eyes putting Miato in the back getting on the passenger seat as the car drove itself out I fell asleep on the way trusting this car because I was far to worried about Miato......


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