Part 2
He released the man, leaving two holes in his neck. With pleading eyes he gazed up into the vampire’s eyes.
“Don’t do that…Please!..”
Damon Salvatore. Las Vegas, Nevada. He sighed, and just snapped the man’s neck with no hesitation.
He didn’t care if the body was found…Remember? Vampires weren’t real. Night after night he would find new victims…Sometimes more than one. Just three days ago, he killed the owner of the Bellagio. Why, because he could. More or less the dickhead tried stopping him from getting in. Although Damon was smart enough to compel a man who sounded and acted guilty. I mean seriously… Al Capone had owned Chicago, Mickey Cohen had owned Los Angeles, Don Corleone owned New York…Wait…No that was The Godfather…Classic. Why not take over Las Vegas…Compel everyone here…Nah too much effort..He’d rather rip their throats open and taste the luxury of blood.
Damon now sat in the diner, A small diner as his eyes followed another girl. He had heard her name. Madeline… Pretty. His thoughts ran back to the night of the Hotel/Casino. Ellie. He had heard the screams all the way from downstairs… A maid had found her and just like any other newborn..She woke up to feed on that dipshit fiance of hers. Maid walks in. Screams. Dies..Only natural. He’d created a monster, and released her into the wild. Although he had no clue where she was at..Didn’t care. hopefully on her way to Mystic Falls..Or to Chicago…Where dear old Stefan was last seen..His eyes opened, only to see the girl..Madeline right in front of him..
”What?..” He sighed, then let out a small laugh. “Sorry..It’s late, dozing off…Is that coffee?”
He asked her with a wide smile.
“Why yes it is..I came over to ask if you wanted some..?”
She looked back at her co-workers..maybe they’d dared her to come and talk to him. She giggled looking back at Damon.
“Why yes..I would love some..” Glancing at her name tag..”Madeline..”
She poured him the glass and smiled.
“You know, I knew a Madeline once…Looooong time ago..”
He glanced at her friends, the co-workers.
“Who are your friends…Quite the giggling bunch..”
She smiled and blushed a little.
“That’s Beth, and Sue Ann..” She replied.
“Well you tell those lovely girls that I said Hello..”
He smirked at her and watched as she nodded and turned away from them. Turning back around she asked his name…When a voice from behind him answered it for him..