Chapter 3: ...Be Your Friend

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(A/N: I've decided to switch to different points of views. I know, it's confusing, I'm confusing, but somehow, it sets a mood that seems well fitting. I won't bother changing it for the rest, but once I finish the whole story, I may. I also may, for now on, go with this concept, but it's not on solid grounds with me yet. The first POV is Alfred's and the rest is all Arthur's.

I also apologize not updating this sooner! Oh well, enjoy!)


So far, you've been planning tricks up your sleeve. Little, minor tricks, of course; it's not like you were planning to seduce Arthur, take over his physical body, weaken his mental and emotional states, and commit mass homicide (it has crossed your mind once....multiple times, actually. And shamelessly, you'll admit). You didn't have the full desire to go full on with some of your devious and terrible plans for your oh so lovely human counterpart, to say the least; you weren't all that soulless. Although, the ideal phrase: "Little things make a man go insane" has come to your attention; it intrigued you. So, you decided to test it out.

But something has been stopping you.


It's another beautiful (horrendous) day down at your shady neighbourhood; the sun shines meekly through your decaying earth as the chilling breezes of autumn shoves itself down your lungs. It's been getting rather cold, and you've switched to an (slightly) oversized jacket that seemed warm enough. Then again, you weren't much used to the cold, seeing as you have came from the barren lands of England. It also didn't help that the same chilling air still lingered whenever you walked by. Strangely, it filled you with bleak determination.

Speaking of being determined, he still follows you around. You couldn't shake off his words from yesterday, and you've been wanting answers; it's too bad you were too much of an arse to him and shut the door. Still, his constant lingering bothered you to no end. You were still angry with him, and yet one tiny part of you stays. It tells you odd ideas, mainly about giving him a chance. You shrugged it off; it wouldn't budge.

Against your better judgement, you send him a smile. Fake, but at the same time, sincere. You weren't really sure how he would react, considering you snapped all over him yesterday, but he seemed relieved when you smiled at him, even if he knew he didn't receive the genuine smile that he desired. He smiles back at you, more brighter, more sincere, full of innocent hope despite the soulless void you knew hid within him.

Funny, just like you.

The more I looked at you, the more you smiled at me,

The more we talked, I lived my sweetest dream...


11:30 AM. Math class was in session. You were smart, as you'd like to admit, but mathematics didn't cut if for you. Something more suitable to your tastes like literature would've sparked your interest, but today just wasn't your day.

And you were certain nothing else would be your day to claim victoriously if it weren't for him sitting there beside you....staring.

As the time starts, you wonder curiously about him. Your mind wondered off, leaving you in your own void of thought: it all was about him. As your mind lingers away, something shoots up from the middle of your desk and toppled you over, landing on top of you...with half of its body sticking out from your desk..?

Frightened yet curious, you examine closely. The same features you've noticed yesterday—sandy blond hair, weird clothing, blue (baby blue, sky blue, stellar blue, so damned blue) eyes (you refused to say orbs no matter how many girls used the annoying word in their essays for a cheap replacement for 'eyes' dammit!), and a weird neon green aura surrounding him faintly. He smells oddly of (very, very faint) dried blood, and brimstone, as well as a strong whiff of aftershave and cheap fruity shampoo; smells like these wouldn't even catch your attention unless you paid close attention to it, and despite the fact that he was eight inches away from your face, the smells seemed almost...exaggerated.

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