Chapter 8 - Family and.......Apologies?

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Skye's POV

I felt something shift beside me, but paid no mind to it, as I didn't see any sun shining in, lightening up the room.

In the morning, however, I noticed Nate was gone. I sighed inwardly, because I was looking foward to waking up next to him. On my mirror, a small sticky note was attatched to it, and in it's chicken-scratch handwriting, he wrote:

Morning Beautiful,

Had to leave because I got a very angry voicemail from a very worried momma...

Don't be mad xx

I smiled at the note and stuffed it into the drawer of my desk I like to call my 'junk drawer' we're things go to never be found again. I examined myself in the mirror and was able to stand a little taller after recalling last night's events. I heard a ball dribbling on pavement and it brought a smile to my face.

I rushed down the stairs and out the door after slipping on some sweats and a white tee. Nate was on his driveway, shirtless, playing with a boy probably a bit older than Zoey. I waved to them, and Nate gave me an all-american-boy smile before shooting the ball into the hoop........and making it. Show off.

I walked over and Nate introduced me to the boy, but did hesitate.

"Uh...Brandon, meet Skye. Skye this is brother." He stood watching me for my reaction. The boy spun on his heels and smiled wide at me. Oh my gosh...he's autistic. The Bad Boy Next Door has an autistic brother...

"Hi Brandon! I piped, winning a nervous hug from him. Brandon was a splitting image of Nathan; green eyes, brownish/orangeish hair, tanned skin - the works. "Mind if I play?" I asked, and he handed me the ball, then quickly hid behind Nate.

I dribbled once, then twice, then shot it and it effortlessly swooshed through the hoop. Brandon raced after the ball and Nate's jaw had dropped.


"Yes." I said sarcastically. He smiled and pulled me in for a quick kiss before his brother could see.

"How'd you sleep?" He asked as he lifted Brandon up to the height of the hoop so he could dunk easily.

"Wonderfully." I muttered, too distracted by my amusement at the way he gets along with children.

"Come inside?" Brandon asked shyly. I looked at Nate for permission and he shrugged so I followed them both inside.

"Skye, hun! How are you? What are you doing here?" I grinned at Mrs. Blake, already familiar with her because of how close she was with my mother. I then glared at Nate, who was blushing furiously and obviously forgot to mention something to her. I pursed my lips together, telling him to say something, or I will.

"Umm...Ma? Skye and I are dating." Her jaw dropped and she looked back and forth between us. I nodded, affirming his statement.

"No way." At first, I thought she was pissed, but she was just shocked, then she warmed up. Her manicured hands brought me into a hug. "Oh my god...he's never brought a girl home." She whispered as her brown curls were stuffed into my face.

"Okay okay enough....can I have her back please?" Nate joked, trying to hide his embarrassment. His mom pulled away and, if I wasn't mistaken, her eyes were a bit teary.

"How is your mom? I haven't heard from her in ages..." Mrs. Blake trailed off with a small frown. I shrugged. I don't know how she was doing, because I haven't heard from her in ages, either. Her lips formed an 'o' shape as if she read my mind and I nodded.

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