Lucy Fer

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Just an idea I had one day - I'm not a satanist.

Please enjoy though :)



"Today is your birthday, Lucy. What is it you most desire in the pits of your heartless chest?"

I thought about it.

Was my father implying that he would get what I most desired for me? That he would do whatever I asked?

I smirked.

In my dreams.

So. What did I want? What did I 'most desire'?


As I looked up at my father, the Father of Darkness, (whose aura was a distinctive fiery black-and-red haze), I knew that I most desired to be -what do they call it? - normal.


My seventeenth birthday.

Big whoop.

I woke up like nearly every other girl who celebrated their birthday that day.

Only, unlike my counterparts, my alarm clock was the screams of a billion eternally damned and condemned souls - as well as the roars of my father and three brothers.

Siege was the first to wish me a happy birthday. Trudging into my room, bloodied and wild-eyed, he pulled me into a bear hug.

"Happy birthday, little one," he grunted, releasing me.

His hair was disheveled, his robe a bloodied mess. And I could tell he was already excited at the thought of the endless torture he was about to dish out for the day.

"Thanks," I smiled, sighing at the bloodstains speckled on my PJs.

"I have a present for you!" Siege was suddenly excited. He pulled his long, tangled mane of black hair into a loose ponytail (how intimidating - not).

Presents. My family and I rarely bestow each other with gifts. It's actually considered a sign of weakness.

"What is it?" I asked curiously, jumping out of bed.

He grabbed my hand. "You'll see. Now close your eyes."

I did, and blindly followed him.

Once we'd exited my room, which was room temperature, heat from the furnaces was imminent. I could feel that we were nearing one of the many furnaces scattered around our castle.

"Siege, what is it? Just tell me. You know I hate surprises."

"Relax, Luce. Almost there. You'll love it, I swear."

We suddenly halted.

"You can open your eyes now," my brother commanded.

I did.

And blinked.

I slowly turned to my brother. "Please tell me you're joking."

Siege broke out into a grin. "It's Saddam Hussein, Luce. You get to torture him first! Isn't that completely wicked?!"

I smiled weakly.

"Yes," I told him. "Completely wicked."


Beelzebub gave me a Shocker 2000X, a device that subjected any misfortunate soul to two-thousand volts of electricity.

What joy.

Payne gave me an authentic guillotine. He said it was the same one they'd used on Anne Boleyn.


And my father?

"What is it you most desire in the pits of your heartless chest?"

And when I told him that I wanted to go 'Upstate', as we call earth, he all but sliced and diced me.

"You want to WHAT?" he exclaimed, getting bigger and bigger.

When he does this, I want to laugh, because he resembles Akoo from Samurai Jack.

"I just want to visit!" I exclaimed, pacing the room. "You let my brothers go up, so why can't I?"

He shrunk to his normal size, which wasn't that small to begin with anyway.

"Lucy-Fer, my pride and joy," he rasped (being around fires for the most part of your life will do that to you), reaching out to stroke my cheek. "If anything happened to you, Lucy, I would never forgive myself."

I pulled away from him. "But Dad, every single demon gets to go up there. Every demon except me," I scowled. "I can take care of myself. I'm a demon, for Hell's sake!"

My father's face darkened. His eyes began to blaze.

"When I say no, Lucy, I mean NO. You will NEVER go up there. NEVER!"

There was a knock on the door.

"Come in!" my father spat.

The large, iron door swung open and Raven walked in. My scowl deepened.

Raven was Chief of Evil, the highest rank under Lucifer's, of course, much to my brothers' chagrin (although said brothers admired him like moonwalkers worshipped Michael Jackson).

He made sure that good girls went bad and that good guys went badass.

He was good at turning nuns into call-girls; amazing at converting virgins into weekend specials and talented at straying lambs from the church.

And dammit, he was as sexy as hell.

And he knew it.

"Raven," my father intoned, "what is it?"

Raven bowed before him. "Master, I am sorry to interrupt, but I wish to discuss the matter of that car crash that happened yesterday, which was. . .approximately two years ago, in earth time."

"Raven, you dare to waste my time with a mere CAR CRASH?"

"There was a pastor in that crash, who's here for some reason, Master. Gabriel was here arguing with me," Raven continued.

"Gabriel was here?" my father snarled. "And you did not alert me?"

"What with Lucy's birthday and - "

"That is HARDLY important," my father spat.

I turned red.

Lucifer's voice softened. "I'm sorry. I did not mean that. What I meant to say was, in comparison - "

"Forget about it," I spat, and turned on my heel, pushing past Raven.

He grabbed my arm. "Show some respect."

I looked up at him and spat in his face.

"There's your damn respect, ass licker."

"Lucy!" my father barked.

Raven released me and slowly wiped my saliva off his (admittedly beautiful) face.

"Apologise to him," my father commanded.

"Think nothing of it, Luce," Raven told me.

"I'll do just that," I muttered, not even bothering to look at my father.

He could go to Heaven, for all I cared.

Lucy FerWhere stories live. Discover now