Author's Note

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Hey guys, so I'm so sorry it's been like forever since I've updated.
I went to another state over thanksgiving break so I couldn't write that whole week and the week before I had my drama competition (and I'm going to states!!)

This week has been so busy I've been shadowing high schools and signing up for tests so bear with me please!!

I'm thinking I will have chapter 8 up probably Sunday. I have half of it written already so. It's really just a filler chapter but it's all I can do for now.

On Saturday I have to take a test for a high school I'm applying for so that's at 7:00 am 🙅🏿😒

But I wanna say a special thank you to everyone who has stuck with my story even though I haven't updated in forever. Thank you for being loyal and I really appreciate you!

Have a good day/night!
Carley xx

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