orphan girl?

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( carriana's p.o.v)

I was running fast trying to get away from my bullies. my vision was blurred from my tears and I was holding my stomach in pain. the only thing that kept me from falling to my face was the wall I was leaning on and the fact that I knew if I made it to the orphanage on the end of the street I would be safe.

I was almost there when I saw a black van pull up out side of the orphanage. I didn't have time to think about the van I had to get inside the gate. I turned around to see Blake my bully and a couple of his friends turn the corner and brake out in full sprint running towards me.

I quickly turned around and ran to the fence. it was only as high as my hips but I couldn't step over it. they where right behind me now so I had to think fast.

so I did what anyone would do in this situation. I took a couple steps back and fan towards to the gate. I grabbed the bar and jumped up and over the old rusted gate. landing gracefully on the ground, well almost. when I landed my right foot landed on the side making me fall and I felt like I broke every bone in my foot. but I was safe, from Blake and his crew.

I slowly backed away from the gate and stand up. I felt i a huge wave of relief when they reach the gate banging on it in anger not daring to cross it. I grabbed the railing to the stairs to keep from falling and they walk away with a threatening look in there eyes. "oh great, I'm screwed" I say to myself as I sit at the top of the stairs holding my ankle in pain.

I was glad that I snapped my ankle because it took away the thought of the pain in my stomach. at least until I thought that. then the pain hit me everywhere. I was sore in my arm and legs, now my ankle was broke (I think), there was a extreme pain in my stomach, and I cut my arm on a wire sticking out of one of the walls I leaned on trying to get home.

I looked up trying calm down and block out most of the pain and pull my knees to my stomach. had one hand on my ankle and one on my side. I felt something wet on my hand and I pull my hand away to answer my question. I quickly stood up on the one foot that was okay and took a deep breathing looking up again before I look at the damage.

the first thing I noticed when I looked. acl down was the bright red stain on my favorite shirt. I slowly lifted it up and froze at the sight of my cut side. the first thing that ran through my mind was 'how was I going to get past the lady at the front desk without being stopped. AGAIN'. I put my shirt back down and tried to cover it with my hands. I covered most of it but I guess I will just walk backwards with my side facing the other way so she couldn't even see.

I walked throuh the front door and turned walking backwords acting as normal as I could for someone walking g backwards as soon as I walked in the lady at the front desk snapped her head to me and so did the four guys next to her desk.

"cat, are you okay you look as of you just saw a ghost or something" she said trying to read my facial expression. "yeah, I'm fine Mrs.k" I replied to her and she would have bought it if I didn't take another step about to fall to my butt because of my ankle. I quickly grab my jacket that is hanging up on the coat rack right next to me and I wrap it around my shoulders covering the cut so now one of my hands where free. I still had to hide my left hand because of the now dried blood on it.

"cat, don't lie to me this time. how bad is it" she said with a disappointed look on her face. "it's nothing, I just twisted my ankle hopping the fence" I was hoping that she wouldn't see through the lies but she knew me to much. I tried to take another step but I almost fell again. I exspected her to run up to me but she didn't. all she did was whisper something to the boys that where around her desk.

I turned to walk away. but I stopped in my tracks when Mrs.K yelled " now" and they boys around her desk walk towards me. one grabbed my arms, and one grabbed my legs. before I knew it I was being carried to the living room and was softly laid down on the couch. the one who grabbed my arms was still holding on to my arms almost pinning me down and the one who grabbed my legs rolled up my black skinny jeans exsposing my swollen ankle.

it wasn't that hard to hold me down because I was as skinny as a stick literally. I only eat when I was on the edge of passing out. and even than I only ate a little food. It wasn't very hard holding me down, I knew that because almost everyday I would be held down by my bully and another hint would be the fact that it was so easy for a bunch of guys who looked about eighteen and nineteen to hold me down just now.

"carriana, I know you did not hurt yourself that bad by just hopping the fence. you do it almost everyday" yelled Mrs.K worried about me. to my advantage my jacket was still hanging over my side so you couldn't see anything. that was until yet another guy walked in the room.

"her side. lift up the jacket" he yelled as he came running into the room pointing at my cut side. "no. I'm fine. don't do it" yelled struggling to get out of there grips. Mrs.K reached across the couch and pulled away the jacket showing my grey shirt which was now halfway stained with blood. Mrs.K looked at me with fear in her eyes before she reached back over to my left side and lifted up my shirt only showing my side. all they faces went into shock at the sight of my bloody and cut side. the two holding me down quickly let go and I got up and ran to the bathroom.

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