chapter three

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(carriana's p.o.v)

it took only a couple minutes to clean up my side and it turns out the cut it wasn't that bad. but i still needed my box. I slowly opened the bathroom door and it was surrounded by the 5 boys from before and Mrs.K I opened the door just enough for my head to slip out to ask Mrs.K for my box and a new shirt and she happily went to go get it for me.

now it was just me and the boys. it got really awkward with the way they where looking at me. the same broken look, I get from all grown ups. I quickly went back into the bathroom and locked the door again. I listened to the guys outside the door while I was waiting for Mrs.K to come back. they all felt so bad for me. I mean, I felt bad for me to. I just lost my favorite shirt.

it took Mrs.K about two minutes to get my box and when she did I only opened the door for a second to grab the shoe box and shirt. I said thanks and quickly locked myself in the bathroom once again. I then did something I do to often. I patched up my side with the little bandage I had left. changed my shirt putting the other one in the box and got out my ear buds. I didn't have anything plugged up to it but I didn't need to. I had the music in my head.

I opened the door just enough to see if they where still there. to my luck they had all moved on. and I could sneak in to the kitchen. it had been two days since I last ate and I needed some food. when I was at the corner about to turn into the kitchen I heard there voices. they where talking about me. well asking questions about me. the one question that set me off was 'does she have any hope of getting out of this place'. I couldn't help but storm into the kitchen to answer the question myself.

"of coarse I don't have any hope. I'm twelve, tiny, and broken" they all looked at me in shock "and 'this place' is the only 'place' I have left that I can be safe". "cat, that is no way to treat people" Mrs.k looked at me furiously. I quickly stormed over to the counter beside the guy who busted me about my cut side and grabbed a bottle of water. I turned to walk out of the room; all eyes where on me.

(Harry's p.o.v)

when she limped out of the kitchen we all felt bad for her and shocked that someone so small had the courage to say something like that. "uhm, Mrs.K, is there somewhere me and the lads can talk privately" asked Louis I looked at him confused, but everyone even Mrs.K knew what was going through his mind. she showed us to a small conference room and shut the door before she left.

"alright, what is going through your crazy head now Louis" I said unable to control my thoughts. they all exchanged looks then looked at me like I was an idiot. then it hit me. I remembered what they where talking about.

we had been talking about getting a new member in our little. family of five. I thought they where talking about a puppy or something. even when Liam said we should adopt a little kid or something I thought he was joking around I didn't think he meant it. I was lost in thought until I heard the guys laughing at me and I snapped back to reality.

"wait a minute, you guys where serious" I said and they all laughed again. "of coarse we where" said Niall and they all still looked at me like I was crazy. " but she didn't even like us talking about her. do you guys really think she would allow us to adopt her" they all knew I was right.

"well, the first thing we did when we saw her was hold her down" said Liam looking guilty. "yes that's true" Louis replied before turning to everyone else "but you guys did it because she was hurt. and has anyone ever heard of a poor little orphan girl being beat up by bullies on a regular basis". we all agreed and went to go talk to Mrs.K about the little girl.

just to our luck she was right outside the door with a happy look on her face. which meant she was listening in on our conversation. Louis simply nodded at her and she was so happy she nearly jumped and clapped. she almost hugged Louis, but she quickly walked to the front desk and grabbed a folder. when she came back she took us back onto the conference.

she sat down and clapped her hands a couple times before she started taking papers out if the little folder. there where a lot of hospital records and a couple different adoptive reports. it all shocked us that she had been brought back to the orphanage many times.

"okay so any question you ask I will answer" said Mrs.K in a sweat middle aged woman's voice. I looked around at everyone to see who would ask the first question but they where all staring at me.

"so, what's her name" Zayn asked like it was the first thing that popped into his mind. "her name is, Carriana" she answered "she doesn't have a last name, and she goes by cat, to everyone except for the littler kids that she helps out with, they call her Kitty".

"so why has she been brought back so many times" I blurt out and receive a hard punch in my arm from Louis. "she suffers from serious nightmares, night sickness, and she has a hard time opening up to people. lets just say she isn't a night/people person" she said making it very clear that she has been through a lot of pain.

"would it be to personal to ask, how she ended up in the orphanage" asked Liam very carefully. not sure if he should have asked the question. "I'm sorry guys, but that is one of the questions I have to have her permission to tell". we all nod putting it to the back of our minds.

"is there anything we should know about her. like her likes and dislikes" asked Nial. and with that Mrs.K handed him the list cat wrote herslef. he holds it out infront of all of us and reads it out loud.

" likes- music, drawing. dislikes- food, being watched, being walked to school, people budding into my problems, hospitals, doctors, fake smiles, PITY, ..." and the dislikes went on for the next page and a half.

"so she likes music, and art. we have that down" said Louis as he took the list from Nial and looked at it again and again " and she doesn't like help from people". "well this should be fun" I said just above a whisper and got punched I got punched in the arm again by Louis.

"so would you like me to tell her or do you want to do it" said Mrs.k but she already knew our answer. we all quickly said yes at the same time making us laugh at ourselves as Mrs.K quietly slipped out of the room.

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