chapter four

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(carriana's p.o.v)

I was up in the littler kids room again playing with them like I usually did when I get home from school. it got to the point where they where all asking me to sing for them again.

"alright, alright, anyone have any request" I asked them. "the cup song!" they all yelled back at me and laughed to each other. "fine, but I'm doing it my way". I sat on the ground and they all sat infront of me like a miny fan crowd.

"I've got my ticket for the long way around

to bottles of whisky for the way

and I sure would like some sweat company

I'm leaving tomorrow what do you say

when I'm gone, when I'm gone

your gonna miss ne when I'm gone

your gonna miss me by my hair

your gonna miss me everywhere

oh I know your gonna miss me when I'm gone

I've got me ticket for the long way around

the one with the prettiest of views

its got mountains, its got rivers

its got sights to give you shivers

but it sure would be prettier with you

when I'm gone, when I'm gone

your gonna miss we when I'm gone

your gonna miss me by my talk

your gonna miss me by my walk

oh I know your gonna miss me when I'm gone"

"they sure are gonna miss toy when your gone cat" said Mrs.K scaring the crap out of me. "what does that mean Mrs.K" I asked her even though I already know the answer, she looks behind her and so do I, it was those guys again. all the kids looked between me and Mrs.K before they ran up to me holding onto my fragile body.

I limped out of the room and into mine grabbing Mrs.k by the wrist pulling her along.

"you where kidding right, your not really going to let five guys adopt me are you" I asked her not noticing the guys standing in the door way. they all looked a little hurt by what I said. "yes I am. there's no reason why I shouldn't. and I suggest you pack up and go before Mrs. Wades gets back and you have to tell her you got blood on he couch, again" I would have spoken but I was frozen in fear just hearing her name.

Mrs. Wades was a wretched woman. she and her husband own the orphanage. and since they own the place they can do what ever they want to us. like the last time I got blood on the couch. when Mrs. Wades came home she was so made they she grabbed a knife out of the kitchen and cut me from my knee up to my thigh.

I limbed over to corner and grabbed my super small suit case. I only had like ten things to back. first things first, I needed my shoe box. I stuffed it into my suitcase then my four t-shirts, and my two pair of leggings. I then through my journal into the suitcase and zipped it closed. when I lifted up my suitcase I went into shock because of how light it was. and everyone noticed.

"is everything ok, cat" said Mrs.K. "it will be in a minute" I then walked out the bed room door and into the hallway " Brandon, give it back now" I yelled they all looked at me confused. I heard little foot steps start to run down the hallway before I saw Brandon holding a couple different c.d's.

"is this all of them" I asked him he looked down at his feat as he slowly handed me my c.d's. "yes. I'm sorry I took them. but if you leave I will have no one to sing me to sleep" he then hugged me. he was only six but he was super strong. "Brandon, don't worry I'll be back within a week I always am" he then gave me the puppy dog eyes. "do you promise" he sounded like he was going to cry. "you know I can't make promises. but just to help you sleep I will let you have one of my recordings" I then held put my c.d's then he back away from the hug and he chose my favorite one. with a devious smile on his face. "no fair. now I HAVE to come back" I said and he smiled at me before going back to his room.

I went over and put the c.d's in my suitcase and zipped it up again. this time taking it with me when I walk over to the door.

"you guys are adopting me and I don't even know your names" I said before realizing I said it out loud. "oh, sorry about that, I'm Louis" said the one who busted me about me cut side. "I'm Harry" said the one with wild brown curls for hair. "I'm Nial" said the one with blond hair and an Irish accent. "Zayn" said the one with the dark spiked up hair in the front. "and I'm Liam" said the last one.

Liam took my suitcase from my hands and and Louis took my hand. I flinched at first because I could tell he would notice how cold my hands where. I expected him to let go but he didn't.

when we reached the door I turned to face Mrs.K and she was holding a pen and a couple different pieces of paper. she handed them to Louis and he let go of my hand to sign them and then he handed them back to her and grabbed my tiny hand again.

Mrs.K looked at me like she would never see me again. It was crushing me on the inside. "Mrs.K, stop looking at me mile you'll never see me again. I'll be back tomorrow after school". "and why would that be" said Harry. "because this is the only place that my bullies can't reach me" I said and they all looked at me like I broke there hearts.

"don't worry about them anymore, love. we will take you to and pick you up from school everyday" said Louis giving my tiny and fragile hand a light squeeze. I gave him a small nod not sure if he was telling the truth or not. then my eyes went back to Mrs.K's sad looking middle aged face.

"Mrs.K don't worry, I'll come back. I always do" I said to her but she just gave me I sad look. before I knew it I was being pulled out the door and down the steps the van that was parked out front.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2013 ⏰

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