It was a hot summer day,you were watching a movie with your sweet and innocent boyfriend,Niall."love,the movie is over,lets go to the beach!",he said excitedly.Of coarse you said yes because you could never say no to your Nialler.Once you got there,Niall took off his t-shirt and went strait in, you in the other hand,set your towel on the warm sand and laid down texting.Niall saw that you weren't joining him and told you to come in.you said no.He didn't like that response so,he sneaked up,close enough and he grabbed you carried you on his buff arms and stood you up in the ocean.you weren't mad at him.0,you couldn't he's your angel.Then when you weren't paying attention, he kissed you.
One direction/O2L Imagines :)
FanfictionHey! I make 1D and O2L imagines!!Read and tell me what you think! c: