4th Crack

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  • Dedicated to Christian Paolo Lagrana


okay. this chapter goes back 3 years ago, when everything was not the way they used to be; when our main protagonist, Paolo, isn't withdrawn yet from society.

have fun reading! this is part 1 of the flash back

i dedicate this chapter to the person whom i borrowed the name of the protagonist in the story. :)

plese listen to the song in there >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

so cool. :D

and, i would also like to promote my friend, purple-ish. she's good, but i'm better.hahahaha.please take time to read her story!i highly recommend it. :)

here's the link: http://www.wattpad.com/1058002-chapter-1


*no editing done.lazy me.hehehe


Paolo’s P.O.V.

*3 years ago, Kross’ Residence, London, England

It’s already 10 in the morning. I was awake already but I just lied on my bed hugging my best friend/toy/buddy, Alligy, on top of me, thinking things over.  Graduating from elementary gave me more feeling of uneasiness than excitement that I will finally be entering high school. I never actually gave too much attention to why I feel uneasy thinking and convincing myself that everything’s part of the pressure that comes with living the teen-age life. ‘Everybody gets anxious’ I thought to myself.

It’s July, entrance exam to the most prestigious High School in Britain is going to take place by now. Blakemore High is where my father wants me to go. He’s so insistent about it since Blakemore’s his Alma Mater.

The thing is, it’s not just school that my father is always insistent about.  He keeps on insisting on everything he wants for me; my course in college, the school I’m going to attend to, the people I should go out with and all, name it, he all has something to say.

Though I still don’t think too much about my future, I wanted it to be planned by me; not by anybody else. So what my dad is doing actually pisses me off. But it’s not my nature to throw rages and rebellion so I don’t usually speak. I just let my actions shout it all out; so I developed my coldness to dad.

I heard Harris knock at my room and call my name before I could freeze my dad further in my imagination. He literally looks like Alfred Pennyworth, Batman’s butler and assistant. He has been serving the family for 30 years.

I climbed out of bed to open my room’s door.

“Good morning young sir, you father is summoning you” he said in his formal and respectful tone.

‘I know he’s calling me because of the Blakemore High thing’ I thought to my self.

I just gave out a sigh and walked out from my room. I was already half-way the hallway when I remembered that I don’t know where my dad is. ‘Oh’

“Where is dad?” I asked flatly and coolly.

“In the garden, young sir”

I continued to walk without saying anything.


My eyes rummaged for the sight of father in our overly-sized garden; a mini farm if I may say it. It’s just that ours is filled with different flowers.

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