things i'll never say (ranyuri)

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I'm tugging at my hair, I'm pulling at my clothes, I'm trying to keep my cool, I know it shows

Adjusting your twin pair of drills one more time, you glance repeatedly at the mirror. You know they're as good as you're going to get them, done up tidier and more nicely than usual, but you can't help but worry all the more, fussing and trying on all sorts of outfits. After all, it is your first date.

You really need to get it together; you don't have much time left. You stare as menacingly as you can into the mirror, baring your fangs. "I'll suck your blood!" The familiar catchphrase works as a confidence boost, and you grin satisfiedly. You can do this, Yurika. You've come this far already.

Pulling on your coat, you leave and shut the door behind you. There's no turning back now, you know, so you just have to give it your all.

I'm staring at my feet, my cheeks are turning red, I'm searching for the words inside my head

When you arrive at the corner you agreed to meet at, you look around for any sign of her. You're on time, almost exactly, so she shouldn't be long. You wait. Minutes pass. You're beginning to wonder where the hell she is when you hear a smooth voice from the other direction. "Hey, Yurika." You turn around in a huff.

"How dare you keep the great Yurika-sama waiting?" is what you say, but when you open your eyes, you suddenly feel shy for reasons you can't quite place, cheeks heating up and any further words melting away like snow. "I-I..."

Ran smiles in that knowing way that always makes your heart skip a beat. "Yes, I'm sorry. My job ran late, and I hurried, but..." It's starting to annoy you how flustered you've gotten, so you pout again and dismiss it in the most extravagant way you can muster. She only continues to smile.

'Cause I'm feeling nervous trying to be so perfect, 'cause I know you're worth it, you're worth it, yeah

"I was thinking we could see this one, I've been wanting to for a while." She gestures toward a poster, on which a couple are pictured very dramatically. Your surprise apparently shows—you might have murmured "a romance?" out loud as well—because she soon grows defensive and slightly red in the face. "W-What's wrong with that?"

This is one side of Ran you didn't expect, but you feel somehow...excited? Privileged? To be able to see the girl you'd long admired like this. A grin laces your lips, and Yurika-sama takes over. "I hadn't pinned you as the mushy type, Ran."

She folds her arms in response. "Well, sorry! Do you have a better movie in mind, then?"

You point triumphantly toward another poster, depicting a shadowy figure and several people appearing to be screaming. "It's about a several hundred year old vampire rising from his slumber to feed, and..."

"Okay, okay. I get it."

"But I wasn't finished! It has a really complex plot."

You end up going to see the romance.

If I could say what I want to say, I'd say I wanna blow you...away, be with you every night, am I squeezing you too tight?

The movie was about what you expected, but she seemed to really enjoy it. Sensitive had never been a word you'd use to describe Ran, especially after her downright demonic training (who encourages a vampire to go out in the sun?), and yet it seemed more apt than ever.

Afterward, since she got to choose the movie, the two of you go out for ramen. It's an out of the way place with little business, so you shouldn't have much trouble. It's not exactly romantic, but it's comfortable, and the scent of garlic soothes you. Before long, there's a steaming hot bowl sitting in front of you, and you're readying your chopsticks. It smells delicious.

"Hey, Yurika, calm down. You'll burn yourself." Despite her words, her smile is wry. You feel at ease.

You don't respond, but instead begin to eat. You have to make her see otherwise, in some bizarre show of pride. She was right, though, and you hold back a wince as the food sears your tongue. She sighs with that same smile, as if to say, "what am I going to do with you?"

If I could say what I want to see, I want to see you go down...on one knee, marry me today

"That movie was something, huh?"

"I won't not say it wasn't bad." You shut your eyes, blowing and taking another mouthful of noodles. "I see you enjoyed it, though."

This caught her off guard. "Wh-What makes you say that?"

"You were in tears when the man reached her at the airport. Did you think I didn't see?"

It was a very moving scene, to be fair. They had had various misunderstandings and the woman had booked a flight to a faraway country, which it was revealed she had planned to do anyway, and in the last few hours she'd be there he had to hurry to the airport to convince her to stay. In the end, they wound up going together. Teasing Ran about it is a bit wrong, but you enjoy her reactions too much.

She steams. You didn't know your girlfriend was actually a tomato. Fitting though, for a vampire such as yourself. What you hadn't anticipated was her looking down at her place, murmuring something under her breath.

"Sorry, I didn't catch that."

She takes a deep breath. "It...made me think of losing you."

It's your turn to blush.

Guess I'm wishing my life away, with these things I'll never say

As the clock starts to turn toward evening, it's time to head back to school. You don't want to get in trouble, after all. You're rounding the hallway corner, close to where you have to part, when you finally give in to the feeling nagging you for some time. You have to tell her. You don't want to have any regrets.

"Um, Ran...-san..." Your character slips. She turns to look at you, and your heart pounds. Your fingers fiddle with the edge of your skirt. "...Thank you, for today." A smile spreads across your face, ear to ear. Have your drills fallen from their ribbons tied so tight, spilling down your back? You aren't sure, but you feel more honest than ever. "I had fun!"

She pauses, eyes wide, and you're just starting to wonder if you said something wrong when she takes your shoulder and kisses you. It's wholly new to you and feels a bit odd, but at the same time so right, and as your heart starts to melt you know that you're in love.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2015 ⏰

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