Chapter 1

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"Please don't do this!" screams the girl beneath me. My piercing orange eyes connect with the girl's pleading hazel eyes, her cheeks streaked from her tears and her eyes clouded as she tries to force me off of her, I don't budge and instead push the blade of one of my miniature battle axes to her green soul gem situated in her chest, causing her to instantly stop and look up at me with fearful eyes, "I don't wanna die."

"You should have thought about that before becoming a magical girl." I state darkly before pushing the blade into the small gem, only getting off of her once I hear a soft crack. She releases a scream of agony, her hands clutching her now broken soul gem before her eyes grow lifeless and, with one last spasm, she releases her last breath and ceases her movement.

"You torment them too much, Kame." I turn to see the concerned expression of a girl with long chestnut hair, gauze covering one of her eyes and her other dark blue eye echoing her perturbed complexion.

"Well I do get a bit carried away sometimes, Emi." I walk over to my team, Reiko, a girl with short grey hair and sky blue eyes wears a black blazer rimmed in blue with a red bow around her neck, a black skirt with blue tips, black stockings, and black dress shoes. Maki, a girl with long white hair and icy blue eyes, a red and white fox mask perched on her head to match her red and white yukata. Then there's me of course, a girl with shoulder length brown, almost black hair, and orange eyes, my uniform looks something straight out of a fantasy story, a black dress with white frills on the bottom, the front and arms laced and a white blouse just beneath that, white tights and black boots.

"Say, is the other team about finished with the witch?" I ask.

"They should be finished soon, I just sent Yasu to let them know they can proceed." Just as Maki finishes her statement, the surrounding environment dissipates before our eyes with an ungodly sound, taking with it the body of the once living magical girl named Sora.

"You guys okay?" I turn to see the other team of four magical girls that had defeated the witch while we were busy with the girl. Their team is named Hageshi.

"Yeah, we're good." I nod, "How about you?"

"The witch was a level 3 just as we had predicted, nothing we couldn't handle though." says Airi, the girl in charge of the group, "Say, how are you guys doing on the purity of your gems? We weren't here to hunt the witch, so this seed is ours."

"How are you girls?" I ask, turning to my team.

"Why're you asking us?" retorts Reiko, "You're the one who took out Sora, you should have it." the others nod their agreement.

"Then it's settled," says Airi, "this is yours, Kame." she then throws me the grief seed, "No buts." she states frankly, knowing full well I'm bound to protest. "Let's go, girls." she and her team walk away without turning back.

"I suppose we should get going too." I say, turning to my group known as Namari.


"Kame!" I hear the cute voice of Miyoko, a rather small girl with long blonde hair in pigtails and lively brown eyes in her magical uniform, a light blue blazer with a white under shirt and light blue dress pants that hug her legs and white boots, an orange tie around her neck with a white hat rimmed in blue, a blue bow to the side of said hat containing her light brown soul gem in the center. I step out of the elevator with the other three girls and they smile and nod before leaving for their rooms, as it was getting rather late.

"Hey, Miyo." I smile and ruffle her hair, causing her to giggle. Miyoko is younger than most of us here. The majority of the girls living in this underground base are between twelve and sixteen with the exception of our leader, Tezuka Tamafune, whom is nineteen. Miyoko, however, is eleven and she looks up to me as if I were her older sister, something I always wanted to experience.

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