Chapter 3: Family Reunion

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Avantina played tour guide for a day as she led Diarmuid around the city to familiarize himself with the surroundings. She had also brought a map and a pen to mark down combat areas where Diarmuid would hold the advantage, as well as the possible areas where their enemies would attack, just to be on the lookout.

It was a pleasant evening, a romantic one too had they been a loving couple instead of master and servant. As the two strolled side by side in the sunset, Avantina felt particularly lost in thought. She remembered the legend of Diarmuid she had read many years ago and glanced at her servant.

"Lancer, were you truly happy in your time with Grainne?"

The chosen topic of conversation took Diarmuid by surprise but he answered all the same.

"Indeed I was. I had never been so smitten. I remember during our travels together, she teased me for being so reserved, saying that even a splash of water on her leg was more adventurous than I was."

The corners of his lips turned upwards slightly at the memory.

"Master? Is something the matter?" he asked, looking at Avantina.
"No, it's just... I read that she married Fionn after your passing."

The servant stopped in his tracks.


Diarmuid stood against the golden backdrop. The last rays shone into his eyes and it dawned on Avantina.

"You didn't know."

She stepped towards her servant, an apologetic look on her face.

"I'm sorry."
"It's quite alright." he replied, beautiful amber eyes now dull and doleful. "I'm glad that she found happiness after such an ordeal. I never wanted her to spend the remainder of her days grieving."
"Do you really think she was happy after that?"
"I served a benevolent and generous king. If Lord Fionn truly loved her, then I'm certain he did all in his power to make her happy. In all honesty, I am relieved."

Avantina nodded once in agreement.
Your countenance is not that of a man relieved.
But she kept that thought to herself.

As the golden hour turned to twilight, Avantina finally broke the silence.

"Let's go home." she said with a comforting smile.
"Let's." smiled the servant in return.

Out of nowhere, a dark figure flung Diarmuid away with so much force that he crashed into a building.

"Lancer!" cried Avantina, drawing one of her katanas, and not a second too soon.

A loud clang reverberated as one sword came in contact with another. Avantina was strong, but the mad servant was far stronger. With his weight and inhumane power bearing down on her, she could hold out no longer.

"Master!" yelled Diarmuid, rushing to her aid.

Berserker knocked away Avantina's katana and sheer terror filled Lancer's expression.

Too late.

Then the dark figure went flying backwards and colliding with a street lamp.

Avantina's eyes widened in disbelief.

How did- 

"Have you stooped so low, Lancelot, that you would engage in combat without first making known your presence?" said a kingly voice.

Avantina looked up to see a blonde knight wielding a powerful sword, honor and regality etched in her brow.

Masaka. Could it be...

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