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I woke up to by brother, jayy blasting sexting from his phone. "Jeremy Brian Griffis I swear to lucifer if u do not turn that goddamn thing off I will kill u" he backed away slightly and turned it down. "sorry..." he said and then he jumped on my bed "but u have to get up!!!!!" he laughed loudly as he got off my bed. "what time is it" I groaned into my pillow. today was NOT my day. "Eleven thirty" Jayy said while looking at his phone. I got out of bed and walked to my bathroom. "I have to work at one dipshit. But thank u!" I turned on my shower and washed my hair and shaved. then turned off the water and wrapped myself in a towel. I walked into my closet and put on my leather jeans and blue corset and strappy boots. then walked back to my bathroom and put on a thick ring of bright blue eyeliner and put white contact in one eye and a black contact in the other. "Perfect." I mumbled to myself as I dried my hair and put my fake dreads in along with a headband. "Sissy it's twelve thirty!! Time to go!!" I threw on my leather fingerless gloves along with my tight leather jacket and ran downstairs. "Bye, love u." I said while quickly hugging jayy goodbye. "After work go to blood manor, Dahvie has plans with us. Bring raving gear. He doesn't know but there might be one tonight." he yelled as I stepped out the door. "Kay!" I yelled back. I jumped on my motorcycle and put my helmet on and drove to work. I checked my phone. fifteen minutes until I had to be here so I sent jayy and Dahvie a quick text.

(R is Ravven and J and D are Dahvie and Jayy)

R- made it to work safely I'll see u at 5 when I get off love u be good

J- k love u

D- DONT STAB ANYONE TOO HARD. love u too rav :D and I'll think about being good xD

I sighed and turned my phone to silent and walked inside.

"Hey Demon."

Damien looked up from where he was working on somebody's tattoo. "Jeremy wants to see u" I sighed and walked back. my boots making thuds on the tile. "Knock Knock" I said walking and stopping and leaning on the doorway. "Hey Ravven" Jeremy said looking up from his desk. "We.. have a new trainee." he said slowly and cautiously. "Oh shit.. am I the dummy again?" I said kind of quietly. "Yes. so go pick out a small design and size it as big as ur comfortable with." I picked a cherry and made it smallish and it would go on my shoulder blade. I laid down on the table and took off my jacket and just played on my phone and decided to text Dahvie while I was getting practiced on.

R- I'm a practice doll again .-.

D-Whaaat..? o.e


D- ooooohh ._.

R- a cherry.. not too big .-.

D- is it for..

R- maybe..

See, I dated this girl ( I'm lesbian) for four years. she was named cherry. she committed suicide 4 days before our anniversary and I'm still not over it..

D- are u coming home after?

R- mhm. Jeremy is letting me off after I'm done. I might get another piercing though. come see?

D- yeeeahhh xD I might get another tattoo too.

R- OOOOHHHH OOH can i pick it??

D- Yeeah xD

R- ok, see u soon??

D- yeah I'm walking out of blood manor now.

R- k bring my pain pills D:

D- okay see u soon

My tattoo was soon finished and Jeremy put salve on it and I put my shirt back on. "Thank lucifer I wore a corset today. " I sighed as I put my leather jacket back on. "Rav what am I getting?!" Dahvie yelled as he walked in. "An upside down cross" I said back as I put my gloves back on. "Where?" Dahvie said walking closer. "Under the T on ur left hand." I said back while getting out my tattoo gun and ink. "Sit" I said sternly. Dahvie sat down and I got his cross done. "Yayyy!!! okay go home and get ur raving gear then come to blood manor" he said happily. "is Garret there.." I said slowly. "Just come over. Jayy and I have to tell u something and Garret will be there.. sorry" I walked out of the tattoo room after I cleaned up and walked up to Jeremy. "I wanna get another piercing. is Lucky here?" I asked him "Yeah he's on break for 5 more minutes out back. I walked out and found Lucky. Hey I'm getting another piercing bro. "WHAT ARE U GETTING?!??" Lucky yelled. "Anti-eyebrow" I said slightly smugly. "Oh okay I'm off break soon so I'll do it quickly. when are u gonna get ur angel bites?" he asked me. "Next week I believe." we walked back and he did my anti eyebrow and I walked out of the tattoo shop. I drove home on my bike and parked it next to my car in the garage. I sent Dahvie a quick text

R- are u gonna pick me up? I'll just stay the night @ ur house after the rave so I can sleep bc I'm guessing Jayy will be there too.

D-yeah I'll be there in 45 mins.

I grabbed my rave gear and my makeup and put that and pajamas in my bag. I went to my bathroom and switched out my black and white contacts for neon green ones and grabbed their case because I had to take them out before bed. I walked downstairs and got out top ramen and right before I opened it I got a text from Dahvie

D- Don't eat btw I'm grabbing u Taco Bell right now.

R- Omfg thankuthankuthanku

D- np

about ten minutes later I heard Dahvie honk. "Here goes nothing.." I muttered to myself as I walked out and got in the car.

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