The dumping ground blues rick barber fan fic

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Rick Barber fan fiction

Caitlin's pov

My name is Caitlin. I am aged 17 years old. I have greeny blue eyes and golden brown hair that flows down my back to about mid-way.I grew up in care basically my whole life,but mainly at elm tree house. I have seen plenty of people come and go but I have stayed put and because of this I have to make new friends pretty quickly but not feel to bad if they have to leave. I was fine until the day he came. His name was rick his carehome burnywood had been set on fire and was send here along with three others.

"Ahh Caitlin I was wondering if you could help look after the new kids help them settle in ok" asked mike my social worker. I agreed and showed all of them to their rooms. Lasts was Rick's room which I was looking forward to, I wanted to find out more about him. "If you need anyone to talk to I will be happy to listen" I said as I made my way to the door.

Rick's pov

I was woken up by the fire alarm someone had set burnyhell on fire. I was dragged out by Dennis he said he was taking us to our new carehome some place called elm tree house. Suppose it would be ok nothing could be worse that burnywood. We arrived a big nice looking building. Dennis was shouting orders as usual. But when we got inside a saw a girl with greeny blue eyes and golden blonde hair which seemed to shine in the sunlight flooding in from the window. A social worker said his name was Mike and that the girl who I had been looking at was Caitlin. She was going to help us settle in and show us our rooms. My room was the last of the four. Turns out her room is next to mine. She said if I needed someone too talk to then she would be happy to listen and smiled then made her way towards the door. I had to stop her but what could I say. "Would you mind showing me around the place" I asked anxiously as she was about to leave. "I would love to but I can't gus has that covered he does the official tour and heads up go to the toilet before he wouldn't let you stop on the tour, trust me" She smiled one last time and left the room.

Caitlin's pov

I smiled at rick and left he seemed nice. I went to my room next door to do keyboard and vocal practice. Thing is that no-one has been next door for months which meant nobody heard me I just hope that the wall are thick. I don't like people listening in on my practice. So I sat down got out my wicked music book (I love musicals ) so I flicked through and just started to play it seems to come naturally. I ended up playing 'I'm not that girl'. Something about that song just felt right I played it through when suddenly I was stopped by a knock at the door.

Rick's pov

I lay down on my bed and thought about today and what had happened. By something or should I say someone kept popping into my head even her name felt right to say, Caitlin. I was lying in silences when suddenly I heard playing, I had noticed a piano on the way in but it was to far away this was closer. Then I heard a voice it felt like silk to my ears. I had to go through so I build up the courage to go in and knock on the door. But it looks like someone had beat me to it. As the playing stop and she answered the door.

Liam's pov

I knocked on Caitlin's door. I was going to ask her about her best friend Chloe. I have had a crush on Chloe for ages and I need her help to ask Chloe out. She open the door. "Oh hi Liam how can I help you." "I need some help with Chloe" I asked in a quiet tone as to make sure no one heard. "Sure come on in". Caitlin opened the door wider and I stepped inside. Her room was a pretty pale light blue with lots of white furniture. It has a fresh but cosy feel to it. If anyone ever has a problem in this place she is the one to ask and she always knows the gossip. "So how can I help" she asked in her caring tone. "Well as I said it's Chloe , I really want to ask her out but I don't know what to say". "Liam O'Donovan I have know you along time and you have never been lost words. Just be you and I mean the real you don't try any schemes just act natural and you will be fine". She was right I just needed to be myself. I was about to leave when she stopped me.

Caitlin's pov

After I had finished give Liam his pep talk I want to ask him a favour. "Hey before you go can ask you for a little help." "Sure" said Liam. "Well out of the kids there is a new one who is your age and I was wondering in you could keep and eye on him keep him out of trouble." "What, me in trouble!?" Liam smirked "Ok what's their name" "Rick" I answered.

Rick's pov

Just as Caitlin had said a smart looking boy named Gus came to my room and whisked me around all the rooms introducing me to people and showing me there rooms, but i didn't really pay any attention until we got to Caitlin's room. I walked in to see a light and bright room it seemed to reflect her personality perfectly. Gus said the tour ended here so i decide i would stay and talk to Caitlin. She said she would help me to come up with a theme for my room just like her one. One thing i hadn't noticed about her room was that her white furniture also had music printed all across it. She asked me about my favourite colours and what kind of things i liked to do. After taking a bunch of notes she said to leave it with her and she would come up with a cool design. So i left her scribbling away in a speical notepad.

Caitlin's pov

I had promised rick a cool design for him bedroom and i had a few ideas but i need my best friends to help with this job. So i called Carmen,Chloe,Tee and Lily too come and help together we worked all day on a design for Rick's room. Once we had finished all the girls left except Chloe. She said she wanted some advice and as her best friend I said I would always listen.

Chloe's pov

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