Hey guys! I wanted to add this part because sometimes it's not the FanFiction that's at fault, it can always be the grammar of your book.
A warriors book may be good, but the grammar may be bad. That's what sometimes drives readers away, and it even annoys them. Some may critique you and you may get offended, and others will think that all of your books are poorly written. If you have grammatical problems because English is not your first language, or because you simply suck at it, I suggest you read this part. If you're good at grammar, read it anyways.
Also note, if you're typing your whole book on your phone (which is what I've been doing lately), then you're most likely going to experience functional problems with typing. For example, autocorrect is a big issue. It sometimes changes correct grammar to incorrect grammar. It will even change unrecognizable names such as warrior names or terms and I won't even notice that my phone did that. For people who have this issue, I suggest that you constantly reread your work and edit. Also, if you can, have another set of eyes edit your book as well because mistakes commonly slip past the writer's eyes.
Things we all get wrong, even professionals.
Every writer has grammar issues in their books. I often (when I say often I mean very often) let these small parts slip past me, so I suggest even the best writers should look this part over.
Difference between "you're" and "your."
-You're is a contraction of you are. For example: you are in so much trouble, or you're in so much trouble.
-Your is a possessive adjective. It usually sits before a noun, for example: Your cat is cute, or your hair looks nice today. You are cat is cute today does NOT make sense, so don't write "you're cat looks cute today."
Difference between "their," "they're," and "there."
-Their is when you are referring to a group of individuals, or when you are claiming a possessive object belongs to another group of individuals. Ex: The kids smiled, their eyes bright and happy or it's not mine it's their's.
-They're is a contraction of they are. For example: they are in so much trouble, they're in so much trouble. A LOT OF PEOPLE GET THIS CONFUSED WITH THEIR, but just remember "they are," and "they're" will come to mind.
-There is when you are referring to a place. Ex: let's go over there.
Difference between "to," "too" and "two."
-To has 2 functions. First, as a preposition, in which case it always precedes a noun. We went to the gathering last moon or This den belongs to a fox.
Secondly, it indicates an affirmative when it precedes a verb. We need to do our homework or She wants to go on a hunting patrol.
-Too is an adverb meaning "excessively" or "also." It is raining way too much or I want to go too.
-Two is a number (2). Robinpaw caught two mice on the last hunting patrol.
Difference between "we," "were" and "we're."
A Guide On Creating A Warrior Cat Fanfiction
RandomMany people need to improve their Warriors FanFics, even me. Here are some tips StarClan has shared with me in a dream to help all those writers! Enjoy, and I hope this can be of use. (DISCONTINUED)