Chapter 1: #1 Big Sister In The World

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Run. Run. Run. If I run fast enough, I might just get out of here alive. They barreled towards me. Their growls echoed through the forest. How I got here in the first place is a mystery to me. Not to mention that about twenty werewolves were chasing me. The worst part was that I didn't even have any protection, which is entirely unfair. At least, if I had a weapon, I would have a chance to fight them off. One was so close I felt the tip of its paw graze my leg. So now you're trying to trip me. Well played mutt. I have to say though over the years their fighting tactics have improved.

If they couldn't get close enough to get me from behind then, they were going to try to trip me by snagging my legs or throwing me off balance. I picked up speed. What they didn't know was that all my life I have trained to deal with these kinds of situations. I zipped past trees and bushes and dodged as many obstacles that were in the way. How did I get here in the first place? By now the wolves were ten feet behind me. That should be enough distance.

As if my day could get any worse my foot got snagged by a loose root that was sticking out. I tumbled down. You know those movies were the leading actor that happens to be running in the woods at night suddenly trips over a "branch" and drops down the hill? Then pops back up and start running once again, if they haven't already got eaten by whatever was chasing them. Well, it surely is not what it looks like. It hurts! I could feel every stick and rock plunge into my skin. On the way down I even crashed into some trees that could have cracked a few ribs. There was no way I could just pop back up and start running again. Sadly there is a difference between the movie actors and me; the monsters that were chasing them were fake. The things that are after me are real, and nothing will stop them from tearing me to shreds.

They surrounded me before I could even think of running. Their eyes filled with rage, yet they had toothy grins that reminded me of the Joker. This is it. They growled and inched closer. They didn't look at me as an enemy. They're looking at me as if I was a chew toy, no as if I was their meal. Something made them stop. "Red? Red? RED!" a voice echoed. Was that Jane? What was she doing calling my name when she should be helping me?!? Jane gets over here and helps me" I yelled. My mistake. All at once the wolves' heads snapped back to me. "Red breakfast is ready." One of the wolves said to me. It talked! Did It go from trying to eat me to making breakfast for me? Another on next to it said, "If you don't hurry up then I will give everything to Jessie, and you won't have anything left over, and you will be late to school."

Really. Her youngest sister was about to get eaten by twenty wolves, and all she could think about is me being late to school. Scratch that, she was the wolves that were talking to me. Could this get any weirder? I couldn't even attempt to crawl away because I might have a broken rib from the fall and she didn't also have bacon. "There is bacon, and if you don't get up now, I'm going to eat every last bit of it" She called. BACON?

My eyes opened. My window was open allowing sunlight to brighten up my room. It was all a dream. For a second there I thought I was going crazy. From now on I will never again drink soda at one in the morning. My dreams could get pretty weird, but talking werewolves too much. "Red get you butt down here!" Jane called. I jumped out of bed letting the delicious smells led the way. Jane stood by stove turning the already crispy bacon. She wore the " #1 Big Sister In The World" apron that I made her when I was 13. Over the years, it faded from hot pink to a dull pink but still made her baby blue eyes shine.

I guess we all resembled our parents, but Jane looked the most like my mom. Everything from the blonde waves to the blue eyes. Only Jane inherited the blond hair; the rest got my dad's green eyes, light or dark brown hair, and the dimples. Beside Jane though I'm mostly the odd one out when it came to hair and eyes. My hair was a light chestnut color with natural red at the tips. The red wasn't like a ginger red or fiery red it was like a burgundy that looked best whenever I was in the sunlight. My eyes were a light hazel colored with specks of light brown and rimmed with a faint blue.

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