Chapter 25: Claimed

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    The warmth left my body and it was filled with a searing pain. How could something feel so amazing and then hurt like hell? I bit my lip to hold in a scream when the pain grew worse. "Come on" Daniel picked me up bridal style and walked me back to the house.

I guess I fell asleep because I woke up on his bed. I hook off the dizzy feeling. Daniel stood up from the chair he sat in, "How are you feeling?"

"Just peachy considering the fact that you BIT ME!" I shouted with anger. 'You should be ecstatic not angry!' my wolf argued. Oh believe me I was happy, but he should have at least asked me first! I mean this is something that evolves me. "You are officially mine now Red" he growled back. If he thinks this is over....

I defiantly glared at him. "Fine play the silent game, but I think that kiss made it clear" he looked back at me. "Well, you could have warned me about the pain. At least, ask me first!" I got out of the bed and stomped to the restroom. Please don't let it be a bloody mess.

I was shocked at the tattoo that was lined on my shoulder. A black wolf with Daniel's name shadowed on my shoulder. Around it were curved designs that were probably symbols for the pack and my ranking. It ultimately was gorgeous, but I'm still mad at him for marking me without warning. "How could it have come on so fast?" I wondered to him. He wrapped his arm around my waist, "You've been asleep since yesterday" he looked at the mark with approval.

"You're not off the hook." I pushed myself out of his arms and walked out of the restroom. I didn't even take two steps when he pulled me back and kissed me. Okay, maybe he is halfway off the hook. He nipped at my lip asking for permission, but I growled. Although the tingles spreading through my body made it seriously hard to do so, I managed. His hands trailed down my waist and a gasp escaped me when he grabbed my butt. He doesn't need permission to get what he wants.

Oh, he is off the hook. It was shocking to find myself deepening the kiss. We broke apart from the knock at the door. He growled and opened the door. I almost felt bad for the person behind it. "Alpha we have a report of rogues on the eastern border" guy reported. He nodded and closed the door again. "More rouges" he sighed and grabbed some things from the closet.

I went to my side of the closet grabbed my cloak. "Red you're staying here. I just got you here there is no way I'm going to let you get hurt" he said seriously. "What? Mr. Alpha you must be confused, actually, it is the other way around" I retorted and pulled it on. "Red I'm serious. You are staying here" he commanded with the alpha tone. Against my will, I sat down and glared at him. Damn that alpha tone.

"I'm sorry I have to do this to you Red, but it's for the best" he kissed me on the forehead and walked out of the room. For the best. For the best is keeping his happy little ass back here to heal and letting me go out there to fight. and protect those I love. 'But he is an alpha and it is their duties to protect the pack' my wolf ignored the snarky response. "Hold on a second. If he is alpha and marked ME, doesn't that make me Luna? Which means my duty is also to the pack. " I thought out loud to myself.

I got up from the spot that I was bound by his alpha command. "Time to kick some butt!" I jumped from the room to the closet. I opened the door to see a bored May standing at the doorway. "I should have known" I muttered. "Believe me Red, I don't like this as much as you do but it was his order" May slumped down against the wall. "Conner's command?" I asked. "Both of them" she sighed, "We could be out there helping them, but I also agree that it's is important to keep you safe. You will have to get through me if you want to go out there"

If he can use an alpha tone does that mean I can too? "Do you want to go out and fight," I asked her. She looked at me suspiciously.

"Where are you going with this?"

"Why dear sister, you of all people should know that I can swerve my way through rules" I attempted to wriggle my eyebrows, which seriously failed, and May laughed. "Why my dear little sister, and how exactly will you swerve your way through this command sentenced by two very strong alphas"

I smiled evilly. "I command you, May Bolton, to follow my lead to kick rouge ass". I felt the power radiating with every word that left my lips. With one last laugh, she stood and let me lead the way to the eastern border where the rogues were. By the time we reached the eastern border May let o indicating she was going to do her normal routine.

Maybe it is time to change my strategy up a bit. She left me to climb up to higher elevations with her sniper. I clicked my bow into position. By the scents in the air, I could tell there were around thirty rogues. My brothers, sisters, and my mate were there with some other unfamiliar scents. One smelled vaguely of his beta.

Thirty to Fifty. Doesn't sound like a fair deal. 'The better the reason to fight' my wolf held in the anger of the idea about how many enemies were attacking our land. Right. I saw the first one lunge for Jane. It only took one arrow to the head and it instantly fell mid-air. "Couldn't stay put could ya?" she chuckled and kicked the other rouge square in the jaw. The wolf staggered back and attacked again anyways. This time, she shouts around to its head. "You good?" I pulled another arrow from my quiver. She slapped the dirt from her hands.

"Fine here, but I think there are more on Louis' side."

'I have no clue who that is, but I'll shoot anything I see' I said through the link and ran towards the unfamiliar scents. Three rogues made a mistake of trying to sneak up on me on the way closer to the border. It didn't end well for them. Sniper shots billowed in the forest. 'Any sights?' I asked May through the link. 'One rouge to your left. Not sure what it is doing, but it is secluded from their group'

I stalked quietly in search of the rouge. Either it is planning a sneak attack or running from the others. I caught sight of the gray wolf sniffing the ground. The body language told me it could be a threat. Any wolf who was running from the others would be nervous or timid. He was standing confidently. He stopped in his tracks and growled happily. What is he looking at?

My gaze followed his and landed on Daniel, who was fighting three other wolves. Oh, crap. I drew my bowstring and released. This can't miss. The sound of the arrow piercing his bones horrified me. What made it worse was the fact that I could have lost Daniel.

With the last wolf dead on the ground, Daniel shifted back into his human form. "Red?!" both he and Conner said at the same time. Conner just appeared from the other side and they both looked equally pissed. Lesson learned. Don't defy an alpha's order, but it had to be done nonetheless.

Hm. Angry mate or angry brother. I can't really tell which is worse.

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